
主题:【原创】走向上甘岭(附后续贴子的目录) -- pxpxpx

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家园 缩写词表。麻烦熟悉军事用语的朋友给看看,特别是加问号的那几个

apo: army post office

s-3: 作战参谋


In the United States Army and Marine Corps, commanding officers at the battalion level and higher units are assigned a personal staff which includes the following key staff officer positions numbered staff one through staff four and staff six:)

* S1, the unit's personnel officer 人事参谋??

* S2, the unit's intelligence officer 情报参谋

* S3, the unit's operations officer 作战参谋

* S4, the unit's logistics officer 后勤参谋

* S5, the unit's executive officer 主任参谋/团副官??

* S6, the unit's communications officer 通讯参谋

operation control: 指挥部

assembly area 集结地

番号后加(-): 缺编?

MLR Main Line of Resistance 主阵地

LD the line of departure 攻击出发线

CP Commanding post 指挥所

APC Armor Piercing Capped 被帽穿甲弹

HE High Explosive 高爆弹

WP White Phosphorus 白磷弹

tank trail 凹槽道??

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