
主题:【原创】新马华人史 -- 颜子

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家园 不是军事不军事的问题。有些犹太人压根底就觉得不应该有

一个State of Isreal。


The terms Jews and Judaism refer respectively to a religious not racial entity

Considering the above and the fact that the founders of Zionism were self proclaimed atheists the Zionist ideology considers the hope of the Jewish people in racial terms i.e.,, to have a state, army etc. Orthodox Jews, however, do not believe that we were exiled from our land app 2000 years ago because of military weakness rather as a result of sins which we committed while dwelling in the land, in fact we are instructed by the Creator through his Prophets not to try to remedy this exile ourselves through human means (see Talmud tractate Kesubos 111a), rather we must remain loyal citizens to the governments of the nations wherever in which we dwell.


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