
主题:【原创】【美国大选手记二十四】 奥巴马渐入困境 -- 尼伯龙根·蜗藤

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家园 揭开奥巴马在伊战问题上的所谓"judgement"

奥巴马在竞选和辩论会上一直用他在伊战问题上投反对票一事来说明他有judgement,现在网上最有名的政论坛子Huffinton Post,Joseph C. Wilson写了一篇揭开奥巴马所谓"judgement"的好文,题目为:

Obama's Hollow "Judgment" and Empty Record(奥巴马有限的判断力和空白的政绩卡)


As definitive proof he offers one speech he made in 2002 during a reelection campaign for an Illinois senate seat in the most liberal district in the state, so liberal that no other position would have been viable. When he made that speech, Obama was not privy to the briefings by, among others, Secretary of State Colin Powell, in support of the Authorization of Use of

Military Force as a diplomatic tool to push the international community to

impose intrusive inspections on Saddam Hussein


On July 27, 2004, he told the Chicago Tribune on Iraq: "There's not much of

a difference between my position and George Bush's position at this stage."

In his book, The Audacity of Hope, published in 2006, he wrote, "...on the

merits I didn't consider the case against war to be cut-and- dried." And, in 2006, he clearly said, "I'm always careful to say that I was not in the Senate, so perhaps the reason I thought it was such a bad idea was that I didn't have the benefit of US intelligence. And for those who did, it might have led to a different set of choices."


另外还提到,他身为chairman of the subcommittee on Senate Foreign Relations

responsible for NATO and Europe,但从来没有就Taliban and Al Qaeda问题开过一




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