
主题:【原创】从政府到民众都是发展中国家 -- 谈炎

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家园 王一千文章最后一部分

在游行的最高峰,一群中国人围住我,指着我, 说: “记得XX吗?所有的中国人都想用汽油烧死她,你看上去就正像她那样。” 他们还说我精神有问题,我应该下地狱。他们问我是从哪个地方来的,我是哪所学校毕业的。我告诉了他们。我没有什么好隐藏的。但是然后情形开始感觉起来就像一群愤怒的暴徒快要攻击我了似的。最后,我在警察的陪同下离开了游行。

Back in my dorm room, I logged onto the Duke Chinese Students and Scholars Association (DCSSA) Web site and listserv to see what people were saying. Qian Fangzhou, an officer of DCSSA, was gloating, "We really showed them our colors!"

回到我的宿舍,我登录了DCSSA(杜克华人学生学者联合会)的网站和邮件群,看看人们怎么说。Qian Fangzhou, DCSSA的一名干部,沾沾自喜地说:“我们确实给了他们点颜色看看!”

I posted a letter in response, explaining that I don't support Tibetan independence, as some accused me of, but that I do support Tibetan freedom, as well as Chinese freedom. All people should be free and have their basic rights protected, just as the Chinese constitution says. I hoped that the letter would spark some substantive discussion. But people just criticized and ridiculed me more.


The next morning, a storm was raging online. Photographs of me had been posted on the Internet with the words "Traitor to her country!" printed across my forehead. Then I saw something really alarming: Both my parents' citizen ID numbers had been posted. I was shocked, because this information could only have come from the Chinese police.


I saw detailed directions to my parents' home in China, accompanied by calls for people to go there and teach "this shameless dog" a lesson. It was then that I realized how serious this had become. My phone rang with callers making threats against my life. It was ironic: What I had tried so hard to prevent was precisely what had come to pass. And I was the target.


I talked to my mom the next morning, and she said that she and my dad were going into hiding because they were getting death threats, too. She told me that I shouldn't call them. Since then, short e-mail messages have been our only communication. The other day, I saw photos of our apartment online; a bucket of feces had been emptied on the doorstep. More recently I've heard that the windows have been smashed and obscene posters have been hung on the door. Also, I've been told that after convening an assembly to condemn me, my high school revoked my diploma and has reinforced patriotic education.


I understand why people are so emotional and angry; the events in Tibet have been tragic. But this crucifying of me is unacceptable. I believe that individual Chinese know this. It's when they fire each other up and act like a mob that things get so dangerous.


Now, Duke is providing me with police protection, and the attacks in Chinese cyberspace continue. But contrary to my detractors' expectations, I haven't shriveled up and slunk away. Instead, I've responded by publicizing this shameful incident, both to protect my parents and to get people to reflect on their behavior. I'm no longer afraid, and I'm determined to exercise my right to free speech.


Because language is the bridge to understanding.


Grace Wang is a freshman at Duke University. Scott Savitt, a visiting scholar in Duke's Chinese media studies program, assisted in writing this article.

Scott Savitt,杜克中国媒体研究系的一位访问学者,协助了此文的写作。


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