主题:【原创】公开宣布和DL接触这招是昏招 1 -- 老广

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British Foreign Secretary, David Miliband welcomed China's decision saying

it was the first step in the process to address the Tibet issue.

White House on Friday said it was "pleased" by China's announcement that it

would soon open fresh talks with aides to the Dalai Lama.

French President Nicolas Sarkozky said China's offer to meet with a

representative of the Dalai Lama is a "major step" and a reason for "real


"We emphatically welcome this step," German foreign ministry spokesman

Martin Jaeger told a news conference. "We hope very much that this can

contribute to resolving conflict in Tibet."

European Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso, who is in Beijing, said:

"We are of course very happy with this announcement."

In Tokyo, Japan's Foreign Minister Masahiko Komura said the talks could be

crucial first step to resolving the tension.

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