
主题:请直接捐款到中国红十字基金会或领事馆!!!!! -- atene

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家园 【文摘】捐到加拿大红十字会的钱到达一个cap之后,会不会挪作它用

经过电话和emails(不是我), 下面是加拿大红十字会回复的email, 希望能打消大家的一部分顾虑。我转发的时候已经征得了email主人的同意,在这里一并感谢

Hello Christina, and thank you again for your call earlier today.

I'm pleased you can help get the word out about the Red Cross response in China.

Attached is the response we wrote in response to the Toronto Star article on the tsunami funds which was very inaccurate and one-sided.


Some general messages you may find helpful regarding the China response:

1. Funds will support the response in China. The Canadian Red Cross is accepting funds to meet the immediate relief and long-term recovery needs of earthquake survivors in China. Should donations supporting this Red Cross disaster relief and recovery effort meet the amount required, the Canadian Red Cross will cease collecting donations for the response and will communicate this information immediately to the public.

2. Administrative costs will not exceed 15%. There have been reports and donor concerns about figures as high as 50%, which is simply not the case. As always, we hold our fundraising and communication costs to a maximum of 15%.

3. The Red Cross is an excellent choice for channelling donations. The Red Cross Society of China was active immediately after the earthquake, providing rapid assistance to people in need. It is through the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement that we are able to provide assistance to multiple disasters in multiple locations around the world - from here at home in New Brunswick following severe flooding, to Myanmar and China. The Movement is well prepared to respond locally and engages the help of other National Societies when needed. This is one of our greatest strengths as an organization.

4. The Canadian Red Cross honours the intent of its donors and is fully transparent in accounting for all dollars received and spent. The trust the Canadian public has put in the Canadian Red Cross to quickly support the China relief effort is well placed.

5. The Canadian Red Cross has an ongoing project in the quake-affected Sichuan province, to educate the public about HIV/AIDS. We have been in touch with our colleagues there to ensure that all are safe.


Colleen Lavender

A/Director, National Public Affairs

Canadian Red Cross

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