主题:【原创】蓝色的浪漫 -- 晨枫
Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais (January 24, 1732 – May 18[1], 1799) was a watch-maker, inventor, musician, politician, fugitive, spy, publisher, arms-dealer, and revolutionary (both French and American). He was best known, however, for his theatrical works, especially the three Figaro plays.
Hotel de Beauvais,莫扎特7岁随父亲去巴黎演出,居住于此,也在巴士底广场附近
另一个促使达蓬特和莫扎特合作写《费加罗的婚姻》的动因是别人在《塞维利亚理发师》上写作歌剧的成功,这人叫做Giovanni Paisiello,他的这部歌剧题献给俄罗斯的叶卡捷琳娜二世,1782在圣彼得堡首演,1784年在维也纳演出也获好评,因此他从奥皇约瑟夫二世那里拿到了另一部歌剧的订单。不过1816年罗西尼写出了同名的歌剧后,此人就被人遗忘了。真是世事难料呀。
这幅是意大利画家Pompeo Batoni的作品,左面是约瑟夫二世的弟弟利奥波德(后来约瑟夫二世死后继位为利奥波德二世),右面是约瑟夫二世,左手下的书是孟德斯鸠的《论法的精神》,体现了他的开明思想。背景是罗马。此画当是在哥儿俩在罗马旅行时候所画。在美泉宫和艺术史博物馆都可以看到这幅画。
No, my lord Count, you won’t have her... you won’t have her. Just because you’re a great nobleman, you think you’re a great genius! Nobility, riches, a title, high positions, that all makes a man so proud! What have you done for such fortune? You went to the trouble of being born, and nothing else. Otherwise, a rather ordinary man; while I, good grief! lost in the obscure crowd, I had to use more skill and planning just to survive than has been put into governing all of Spain for the last hundred years.
I throw myself full-force into the theater; would that I’d put a stone around my neck! I dash off a comedy about life in a harem. As a Spanish author, I believe I can jeer at Mohammed without qualms; at that instant an envoy from... I don’t know where complains that my lines are offensive to the Sublime Porte, Persia, part of the peninsula of India, all of Egypt, the kingdoms of Barca, Tripoli, Tunisia, Algiers and Morocco: and there's my comedy roasted to please Muslim princes, none of whom, I believe, can read, and who bruise our scapulas while calling us “Christian dogs”!—Unable to debase my spirit, they avenge themselves by abusing it.—My cheeks hollowed; my time seemed to be up. I could see the dreaded bill collector arriving in the distance with a quill stuck in his wig.
I’d tell him... stupid things in print have no importance except where people hold them back; without the right to criticize, there’s no such thing as flattering praise; and it’s only little men that are afraid of little writings.
不但长篇大论,整个阶级斗争,这还了得。达蓬特一改,不再是指责老爷,变成了指责美眉薄情(意大利原文请google 'Aprite un po’quegli occhi'):
Open your eyes,
you incautious and stupid men
Look at these women
Look what they are!
These you call goddesses
with deceived senses,
to whom the weak reason
tributes incenses.
They are witches who enchant
only to make us pain,
Sirens who sing
to draw us,
Owls who attract
to take out our feathers
Comets who shine
to take our light away,
they're thorny roses
they're charming foxes
they're benign bears,
malign doves,
masters in cheating
friends of worries
who pretend, lie,
don't feel any love,
don't feel any pity,
no, no, no, no, no!
I don't tell all the rest,
anybody knows that.
还有些改动,就是为了歌剧的特殊需要了。比如伯爵夫人罗西娜,在戏剧中第一幕中出场但是夹在众人当中,没有话。在歌剧中,索性改在第二幕中出场,出来一个人,就是一段精彩的独唱“Porgi Amor”。下面是youtube上面的录像之一:
根据达蓬特的回忆录,莫扎特谱曲一共用了六个星期,可谓神速。莫扎特的手稿都保留了下来,头两幕的在Berlin State Library,后两幕在波兰Krakow的Silesian Monastery of Gru(带两点)ssau的收藏中。根据分析,莫扎特先把主要乐器的声部和人声写好,这样可以一气呵成,然后再填次要乐器的声部。
皇帝:啊?莫扎特,他是个杰出的器乐作家。但是就写过一部歌剧,而且也很一般。(这里,达蓬特真要分特了,因为皇帝不知道莫扎特过去写过很多歌剧,只知道《后宫出逃》,而他对《后宫出逃》也不能欣赏。电影《Amadeus》萨利埃里说皇帝has no ear,所言不差。)
- 相关回复 上下关系8
🙂是这样啊,是我弄错了 晨枫 字100 2008-09-15 20:16:58
🙂我文笔不行,又比较懒 2 Parsifa 字1055 2008-09-19 20:18:13
🙂不许谦虚,文笔很好嘛! 晨枫 字70 2008-09-19 20:34:20
🙂看来我要持续不断地鼓励了,你应该多写点啊 晨枫 字56 2008-09-20 19:28:56
🙂【原创】在蓝色的多瑙河之畔(五) 35 晨枫 字9747 2008-09-04 21:36:13