
主题:【原创】Chrome进程管理(1)---启动模式 -- 素里太守

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家园 当然=)


原文基本上是对于One Process Per Tab的RAM的疑问。具体来说:

Assuming IE binary code and libraries fit in 10 MB and if say user opens 10 tabs. The result:

10 MB x 10 = 100 MB

This is wrong because memory is shared. 100MB is just the virtual memory.



跟帖1.I think you’re incorrect in your assumptions and I sincerely hope google will prove you incorrect. Actually, the linux philosophy often is ‘less is more’ and this can very well be applied to google chrome. If they split up in the right parts they end up with single window renderers as seperate applications and more stuff split into small binaries. Something I suspect microsoft is doing is loading instances of plugins for all pages, even if they don’t need them. But google is not microsoft. The way google employees work on open source projects seems way better than anything I’ve ever seen from microsoft, and I suspect that google will again deliver a good product.

I can imagine google chrome eating more resources than midori, epiphany or firefox (3), but I don’t think it will be the next microsoft product memory usage wise.

跟帖 2: What causes issues for me with firefox is not how much memory a tab uses, but that closing a tab doesn’t cause the memory use to go down. I have to restart firefox a few times a day otherwise it will slowly eat all the free memory and swap space on my system.

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