
主题:【原创】日志随笔短平快-by 老马丁 -- 老马丁

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家园 不多

说实话,纯simulation在微观理论里要上journal比较难。要是想上top journal,一般也不是经济,而是去比如Journal of Theoretical Biology,physical review letters和nature上发。或者更普遍的做法是,证明一堆定理,然后想拓展到更普遍更复杂的条件时,证明已经力不从心了,通过simulation支持结论,比例不会高于三七开,甚至八二。

虽然不是journal article,要说有意思的,我首推


其中的Chaos in Rock-Paper-Scissor(就是猜拳),还有Logit dynamics in Coordination Game, 我可以入迷地看上五分钟。但是,Sandholm发的文章大部分还是理论分析的,但把这些小东西放在presentation里效果不是一般地好。

类似的Game theory toolkit还有 http://gambit.sourceforge.net/shots.html


Group Selection and the Evolution of Altruism. Ben Cooper, Chris Wallace. Oxford Economic Papers, New Series, Vol. 56, No. 2 (Apr., 2004), pp. 307-330

Commuters route choice behaviour R. Selten, T. Chmura, T. Pitz, S. Kube, M. Schreckenberg. Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 58, Issue 2, February 2007, Pages 394-40

Active linking in evolutionary games. Jorge M. Pacheco, Arne Traulsen, Martin A. Nowak. Journal of Theoretical Biology, Volume 243, Issue 3, 7 December 2006, Pages 437-443

Evolution of indirect reciprocity. Martin A. Nowak & Karl Sigmund. Nature 437, 1291-1298 (27 October 2005)


Punishment and Reputation in Spatial Public Goods Games

Hannelore Brandt; Christoph Hauert; Karl Sigmund

Proceedings: Biological Sciences, Vol. 270, No. 1519. (May 22, 2003), pp. 1099-1104.

How should we define goodness?—reputation dynamics in

indirect reciprocity. Hisashi Ohtsuki, Yoh Iwasa. Journal of Theoretical Biology 231 (2004) 107–120.

另外,就是留心“agent based model“,可能以后会多一点,但是要上top journal还是很难。

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