
主题:【原创】日志随笔短平快-by 老马丁 -- 老马丁

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Joe Wang says (with some grammar errors of his style):

hi, everybody...so aah, i am irish...i read a report saying that a man reach

their sexual peak at the age of 18...but i didn't know this, until i was 25

...so the world will never knew what a stud i was...nobody took a bite out o

f this peach when it was ripe...

i am not good at sports, but i love parallel parking...because unlike sports

...whenever parallel parking, the worse you are...the more people they have

rudeing for you...i am an immigrant...and i used to drive this used car with

a lot of bumper stickers that impossible to peel it off...and one of them s

aid ...if you don't speak english...go home...and i didn't notice this for t

wo years...i tried really hard to become an US citizen, and i had to take th

is america history lessons...

where they ask us questions like... who's benjamin franklin...well, I like a

ah...the reason our convenience store gets robbed...what's the second amendm

ent...well, I like aah...the reason our convenience store gets robbed...what

's the row (Roe) vs wade...like aah...two ways of coming to the united state

s...i have a family now, but i used to be really scared of marriage... i was

like...wow...50% of all marriages end up lasting for ever...

i just had my first child last year... and aah...i was really amazed by it..

.you know...i was at the delivery room...holding on my son...thinking to mys

elf...wow...he was just born...and he is already US citizen...so i said to h

im...ah...do you even know who's benjamin franklin...now i have a sign on my

car...it says...ah...baby on board...this sign is basically a threat...it j

ust says i have a screaming baby and a nagging wife...and i am not afraid of

dying anymore...


In 1973, the US Supreme Court had prohibited states from making laws that in

terfered with a woman's right to an abortion during the early months of preg


Joe 把 roe v. wade 转换成 row (rowing the boat) & wade (swimming ) to USA. (


第一个 Benjamin Franklin 的幽默在於美国的百元大钞上就是印著他的头像, 所以商


第二个 Second Amendment to the US constitution is to protect the right to ke

ep and bear arms. 所以又和抢劫相关。

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