
主题:【原创】即使没有文革,中国经济也不会提前进入第二世界 -- 葡萄

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家园 can you cite some books

or articles that lend support to your personal judgment?


--At 1789, among 13 founding states, slave-states vs non-slave ones, close to 50:50. More states were free states by 1860s.Esp., those in the mid-west. Populationwise, North was definitely larger than the south.


---There is no measure of 虔诚. So I have no answer for you.

Keep in mind, during the independence war, Yankees needed to lock in the southern slave states for a common cause against Britain. Yankees compromised a lot, which was obvious during the Constitution meeting.

What I can only say is that Northern non-slave states were more intolerant of the slavery because since 1820s, the British threat was gone. Yankees took more violent actions over time.

If you read the English documents, slavery issue popped out as a heated issue several times before 1860s. 1861 was not the first crisis year.

But both North/South sides took action to suppress the final showdown. Final showdown was triggered by the clear majority of non-slave states over slave states and endless interference from Yankees over southerner's internal "affairs". For Southerners, they were on a losing track if they still stayed in the Union.

When it comes to morality, human rights and human civility, I do observe a progressive trend in US, Europe and China. It MIGHT have nothing to do with 虔诚, but more due to external pressure (China's case, so that it is no longer another North Korea), economic well-being, and education (US and China).

In 1920/1930s, Chinese were more or less treated as yellow monkeys in States. But 1960s civil right changed it. I SEE NO role of INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION in 1960s, but I did see civility increase in 1960s.


-hehe, you have your viewpoint, I keep mine. I do not think 阶级斗争理论 applies everywhere, any time. I see historical facts and I want people to convince me with facts, 而不是馬列主義教條, I saw too much in my early years back in China.

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