
主题:【原创】即使没有文革,中国经济也不会提前进入第二世界 -- 葡萄

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家园 thanks. That's a solid

article with convincing numbers.


--The English documents only list 620k soldiers (from both sides). I will double check. I might be wrong. The Northern army was very incompetent with many shabby generals. With much superior population advantage, this war still stretched over 4 years.


--can you elaborate? What does it mean? Land in North and South are always privately owned, right? The war changed any thing specifically here?

So all land were were re-distributed to the Black or poor white in the South?

Most of the mid-west land were distributed through the Homestead Act of 1850s/1860s. So I suppose the war did not have impact on the mid-west region.


--the whole industrialization only happened in the North-eastern, mid-west region(rust-belt), and the Pacific coast. The south remained poor and non-industrialized over the next 100 years.

Sometimes I do not understand some Chinese articles, because there are logical loopholes there.

10%美国白人青壮人口在4年的战争中伤残--thanks for your info. You must be a fan of PBS American Experience. :)

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