
主题:【原创】父亲的空军生涯---龙王庙事件 -- 一直在看

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家园 偶然看到回复,刚好手里有英文版的资料,


The generation of lift requires that the airflow remains relatively smooth and oderly as it passes over the wing. However as the angle of attack increases, the smooth flow of air gives way to less oderly flow until at a particular angle, called the stalling angle, the airflow breaks down into a chaotic tumbling producing the condition known as the stall.

A SPIN(按我的理解,就应该是螺旋了吧?)

After the aircraft has stalled, a wing drops.

the dropping wing suffers a further increase in angle of attack which worsens the stall.

the loss of lift causes the dropping wing to continue to drop, producing a roll.

the increased drag pulls the dropping wing back, producing a yaw.

This continuous post-stall rolling and yawing is called a spin.

To recover the poilt must check that the throttle is fully closed, apply rudder opposite to the direction of spin to slow down th yaw, and lower the nose to reduce the angle of attack and unstall the wings.





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