
主题:【原创】发不出车的士兵大巴(上) -- 晨枫

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家园 对照一下<防务新闻>的原文,还真不是空穴来风

The contract for the A400M was agreed five years ago, when the South African government said the planes would cost about 830 million euros ($1.2 billion), or 6.4 billion rand.

Maseko said the cost was now 47 billion rand (4.1 billion euros, $6.1 billion), that South Africa would not incur any penalties in view of the delays and was entitled to a refund of 2.9 billion rand.


6.4 billion rand--47 billion rand,7倍之说还是有道理的,对南非货币不熟悉,不过看上去是这5年rand的汇率变化较大的关系.

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