
主题:【万众期待】Apple 27号发布全新产品 -- AllenKid

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家园 这小道的初始来源是商业周刊

Apple, Microsoft Discuss Giving Bing Top iPhone Billing


Apple Sees New Money in Old Media

Apple's divide with Google over how it views media content also drives the wedge deeper between the two companies. Apple's iPhone, for example, currently closely integrates Google's mapping and search technology, but a person familiar with the matter said Apple was in serious discussions with Microsoft Corp. to incorporate its Bing search engine into the iPhone as the default search and map technologies. Microsoft declined to comment.

总之就是不在 Google 一棵树上吊死了,具体跟微软能不能谈成,还得看鲍尔默的礼金够不够实心实意。

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