
主题:【读陈经与忙总文章有感】中美金融对抗的性质 -- 鳕鱼邪恶

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家园 英国和阿根挺在闹马岛纠纷。

Falklands diplomatic offensive puts UK on back foot


Argentina claims the islands based on its possession of them before the British takeover of 1833.

Ocean Guardian under tow

The Ocean Guardian rig began drilling on Monday

Britain rejects this historical claim and bases its own claim on the self-determination of the people living in the islands.

The best effort to get the two countries closer together came in 1995 when, in a joint declaration, both agreed to co-operate in developing oil exploration in the south-west Atlantic.

The agreement broke down when Argentina wanted to expand the co-operation zone across the disputed seas and Britain refused.

In the present atmosphere, it appears unlikely that the declaration could be revived in the event that oil is found in the drilling now under way.

So a flare-up of the dispute can be expected from time to time, with both sides falling back on their entrenched positions.


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