
主题:关于拉美化:“中国模式”有多独特 -- 土拨鼠yuanap

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家园 关于美国1920‘s 消费比例


Table 1.1.10. Percentage Shares of Gross Domestic Product


Line 1929 1930

1 Gross domestic product 100.0 100.0

2 Personal consumption expenditures 74.7 76.9

3 Goods 42.2 41.8

4 Durable goods 9.5 8.4

5 Nondurable goods 32.8 33.4

6 Services 32.4 35.1

7 Gross private domestic investment 15.9 11.8

8 Fixed investment 14.4 12.0

9 Nonresidential 10.6 9.5

10 Structures 5.3 4.9

11 Equipment and software 5.3 4.6

12 Residential 3.8 2.6

13 Change in private inventories 1.5 -0.2

14 Net exports of goods and services 0.4 0.4

15 Exports 5.7 4.9

16 Goods 5.2 4.3

17 Services 0.6 0.6

18 Imports 5.4 4.5

19 Goods 4.3 3.4

20 Services 1.1 1.1

21 Government consumption expenditures

and gross investment 9.0 11.0

22 Federal 1.7 2.0

23 National defense 0.9 1.0

24 Nondefense 0.8 1.0

25 State and local 7.4 8.9



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