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主题:迷茫的《中国通史》 -- 种植园土
Let me GIVE YOU MY PREDICTION IN A STRAIGHTFORWARD WAY: a religious war shall happen for sure, in the next 30 years, either in Asia or in Europe. If I were you, I will hope that it never happens in my homeland China.
老实说,我很反感那些呆在洋人的国家里,吃着洋人的饭,用洋人的语言来对中国指手画脚的人(也许我应该用渣滓),你是中国人吗?我看你就是“tons of talents who understand Uiger language/culture and local tension”中的一员吧?如果你真关心中国未来,就多一些建设性意见,少在这里大放厥词,危言耸听!
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🙂如果说蒙古人是大鬼子 1 紫梁 字72 2010-01-23 18:20:50
🙂你这两句话意思可不太一样 1 南渝霜华 字224 2010-01-22 23:08:31
🙂I need to add some comments 6 parishg 字3633 2010-01-23 11:06:09
🙂thanks to your comments 1 南渝霜华 字534 2010-01-23 18:49:55
🙂sir/madam, watch 6 parishg 字1549 2010-01-23 19:46:11
🙂真是恶心 2 greatlion 字535 2010-03-23 08:34:25
🙂即使不喜欢ysl。我却认为以色列的为恶是错的, jher 字18 2010-01-24 02:14:52