
主题:【原创】为什么出过国的人比较爱国?因为见怪不怪! -- 雷声

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家园 我看见的法国的报道都说是每天120万人次



Line A is Europe's busiest line with over 1,200,000 passenger/day[2].


Line A has been a runaway success since its inauguration and, with its million-plus passengers per workday, has frequently been presented as the busiest urban transit line in the world. This claim has been disputed (Gerondeau C, 2003 — see reference) by reference to the figure of 103,080 passengers per hour claimed by the then Ministry of Transport in Japan for the JR East Chūō Line in Tokyo — almost twice the equivalent figure (55,000) for the RER Line A (both 1992). Japan being something of a case apart in the field of rail transport, accounting for 40% of all train journeys in the world, it clearly remains the case that the RER Line A is an exceptionally busy route.


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