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主题:大一英语作文:别教智能设计论 -- 菠萝头
In conclusion, I would like to discuss the religious freedom for students from religious families. Few have considered whether giving students a break from the religious environment in which they probably have lived since their birth would be the right thing. The earliest violation of a person’s religious freedom is to baptize or proselytize in tradition of any religion before he or she even has the ability to refuse. In the name of free speech and family value, church schools and families have prolonged such compulsion in the form of their education. Under these forces, individuals do not receive the essential knowledge to make informed decision about their faith. As a matter of fact, crucial knowledge such as the authenticity of the Bible stories and the theory of evolution is known among a stunningly small portion of the religious population. According to a poll by ABCNEWS, 79%, 75% and 73% of Protestants polled believe in the Bible stories of the Red Sea, the Creation and of Noah respectively while 32%, 24% and 29% of non-religious polled believe these stories literally (Morris). For this reason, public education should not teach intelligent design; instead, it should promote freedom of faith, including the lack of it, by teaching the legitimate knowledge essential to make informed decisions concerning theological belief.
Work Cited
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Gallup. “Evolution, Creationism, Intelligent Design.” Gallup. 7 February 2010. Web. 7 February 2010.
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Morris, David. “Belief and Blame: Six in 10 Take Bible Stories Literally, But Most Don't Blame Jews for Jesus' Death” abcnews.go.com Web. 7 February 2010.
National Center for Science Education. “Creationism Controversy.” NCSE. Web. 7 February 2010.
Popper, Karl R. “The Logic of Scientific Discovery” 5th ed. (London: Hutchinson, 1959), pp. 40-41, 46.
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Thornton, Stephen. "Karl Popper." The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Ed. Edward N. Zalta. Summer 2009 ed. Web. 7 February 2010.
Weinberg, James R., Victoria R. Starczak, and Daniele Jrg. “Evidence for Rapid Speciation Following a Founder Event in the Laboratory.” Evolution, 46. 4 (1992): 1214-1220. JSTOR. Web. 7 February 2010.
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