
主题:波兰总统在前去参加卡廷惨案纪念的途中在俄罗斯坠机了 -- 歌行者

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Presidential and governmental figures

* Lech Kaczyński, President of Poland(总统)

* Maria Kaczyńska, First Lady of Poland(第一夫人)

* Mariusz Handzlik, Undersecretary of State in the Office of the President of the Republic of Poland(总统办公室国务副秘书?或译次长?)

* Ryszard Kaczorowski, the last President of the Polish government-in-exile(当年波兰在伦敦的流亡政府的最后一任总统)

* Andrzej Kremer, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs(副外长)

* Sawomir Skrzypek, President of the National Bank of Poland(央行行长)

* Wadysaw Stasiak, Chief of the Office of the President of the Republic of Poland(总统办公室主任)

* Aleksander Szczygo, Head of the National Security Bureau(国家安全局局长)

* Pawe Wypych, Secretary of State in the Office of the President of the Republic of Poland(总统办公室国务秘书?)


Military figures

* Lieutenant General Andrzej Basik, Chief of the Polish Air Force(空军司令)

* Major General Tadeusz Buk, Commander of the Polish Land Forces(陆军司令)

* General Franciszek Ggor, Chief of the Polish Army General Staff(波军总参谋长,此人即有些人说的The Supreme Commander of the Polish Armed Forces,但这个职务只有在战时才会被授予)

* Vice Admiral Andrzej Karweta, Commander-in-chief of the Polish Navy(海军总司令)

* Gen. dyw. Wodzimierz POTASISKI The Commander of the Polish Special Forces (e.g. supreme commander of GROM)(波特种部队司令,这是波军四个军种中除陆海空外的第四支军种)

* Gen. Bronislaw KWIATKOWSKI - The Operational Commander of the Polish Armed Forces(武装力量执行司令,这个职务好像是分管作训的?有点相当于分管作训的副总参谋长)

* Gen. Kazimierz GILARSKI - The Commander of the Capital of Warsaw Army(首都华沙卫戍部队司令)


Senate members

* Krystyna Bochenek, Deputy Speaker of the Senat(参议院副议长)

* Janina Fetlińska, member of the Senat(参议员)

* Stanisaw Zajc, member of the Senat(参议员)


Sejm members

* Leszek Deptua, member of the Sejm(众议员)

* Grzegorz Dolniak, member of the Sejm(众议员)

* Grayna Gsicka, member of the Sejm(众议员)

* Przemysaw Gosiewski, member of the Sejm(众议员,曾任副总理)

* Izabela Jaruga-Nowacka, member of the Sejm(众议员,曾任副总理)

* Sebastian Karpiniuk, member of the Sejm(众议员)

* Aleksandra Natalli-wiat, member of the Sejm(众议员)

* Krzysztof Putra, Deputy Speaker of the Sejm(众议院副议长,曾任参议院副议长)

* Arkadiusz Rybicki, member of the Sejm(众议员)

* Jerzy Szmajdziński, Deputy Speaker of the Sejm(众议院副议长,曾任国防部长和内政部代理部长)

* Jolanta Szymanek-Deresz, member of the Sejm(众议员)

* Zbigniew Wassermann, member of the Sejm(众议员)

* Wiesaw Woda, member of the Sejm(众议员)

* Edward Wojtas, member of the Sejm(众议员)


Religious figures

* Archbishop Miron Chodakowski, Orthodox Ordinary of the Polish Army(东正教的波军教会大主教。ordinary的意思比较复杂,不大好翻,意思就是说一个主教拥有世俗权力,下面那个Ordinariate也一样)

* Tadeusz Poski, bishop of the Military Ordinariate of the Polish Army(天主教的波军教会主教)

* Ryszard Rumianek, Rector of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University(这是一个主要教授神学方面的大学的校长(院长))



* Janusz Kochanowski, Polish Ombudsman for Citizen Rights(监察员,这是个独立于政府的由众院选举的维护公民权利部门的领导)

* Janusz Kurtyka, Historian and president of the Institute of National Remembrance(历史学家和国家记忆院主席,该机构主要调查纳粹和共产党的罪行)

* Piotr Nurowski, President of the Polish Olympic Committee(波兰奥委会主席)

* Maciej Payński, President of the Polish Community Association(下院前议长,波兰人社区联合会主席,好像是旅居各国的波兰人成立的一个组织,类似于华人协会之类的)

* Andrzej Przewonik, Secretary-General of the Council for the Protection of Struggle and Martyrdom Sites(是个为了纪念波兰民族苦难历程的政府组织的秘书长,负责保留跟波兰民族相关的历史遗迹,如今他也成了这个历程的一部分了……)

* Anna Walentynowicz, free trade union activist, member of Solidarity movement(以前团结工会的成员)

* Joanna Agacka-Indecka, President of the Polish Bar Council(波兰律师协会主席)



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