
主题:【原创】当情爱乘以生死:几个小故事说取之予之 -- 山有木兮

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家园 俺把那第一个故事差不多重看了一遍,确认记忆。




1, 那绳子是就该拴着的,不是为了拖受伤伙伴而拴的:

第一部分at 7’40’’:

“The fact that you are tied to a partner means that you put immense amount of trust in someone else’s skill and ability but, at some points you might be thinking: ‘for God’s sake, Simon, don’t fall here, don’t fall here’”


2, Joe 受伤之后,Simon 想办法把他带下山去:

第四部分,at 0’41’’: “I calmed down a bit and, you know, nice to focus myself again to think about how we were going to get, you know, how I was going to get him down the mountain. ” 之后说他们俩的绳子加起来300 feet, 就用绳子往下放Joe. (不能再往上爬了。)

Joe 意识到绳子的长度不够的时候,拼命喊,Simon却是听不见的。

俺以为,后来断绳悲剧的发生,关键原因在于lack of communication, again, 这继续还是好的类比,呵呵。

3, 第五部分, at 2’14’’, Simon (在上边的这位)说:so, my position, yeah, it was getting desperate, really. 在这之前,Joe 挣扎着做各种可能的努力,试图利用那绳子的结构,未果,手冻伤了,他甚至想到了顺着绳子爬上去,知道这当然是不可能的。Simon 在上面完全不知道Joe这边出了什么状况,为何耽误了这么久,他等着,感觉到Joe的体重,1个多小时过去了,体内严重缺水,又非常非常的冷。。。

At 2’23’’, Joe陈述说:“I think psychologically I was beaten. There was nothing I could do. So I just hang on the rope, waiting to die. ”

At 3’34’’ Simon 开始说到他的刀, 然后他说,”I took a decision, pretty quickly really. …the right thing to do under the circumstances…’cause there was no way I could have maintained my position of where I was, sooner or later I was going to be pulled from the mountain.” 他详细描述了怎样做的to pull the knife out, 然后是手势,伴着声音模仿:”bong-”。

Joe 快速下坠,砸碎了一层积雪的样子然后黑屏那边,上来Simon这边,他长出了一口气,拿着仍然开着的刀仰面躺在雪地上。

然后他就地凿雪窝宿营,风呼啸雪纷飞,他的解说:”it was an awful night. My mind was playing with the thoughts of what would happen with Joe. … had a very very cold night. … the overriding memory was I was feeling desperately desperately thirsty, to the point that I felt that I could smelt water in the snow around me…”

Joe 下滑了大约1500 feet,感觉惊讶他自己还活着。落的地方也很险,旁边不远就是一个大坑。At 8’31’’ 他开始讲他拽自己的绳子,很奇怪地想到会不会把Simon的body拽下来啊,拽到后来看到切断口。他陈述,当时他无声地对自己说:”you are going to die in here”, 然后想到Simon 还活着,他为此欣慰 at 9’26’’ “I had a pleased feeling that it meant Simon was still alive.” 他向上大喊”Simon~~”


俺跳过了第六部分,直接看了第七,Simon 返回营地,路上他以为他自己会死的,因为穿越冰川这种事,一个人做是很危险的。

第十一部分,Joe 爬到了营地附近,身体极度虚弱以致似乎产生幻觉,营地里的支持者Richard听到了简直不相信那是Joe活着—以为他在三四天前死了。Simon 和Richard一起过去,看见Joe! 他俩把他抱回去.


5, 是Simon陈述的,第十二集3’34’’, “he thanked me, you know, for trying to get him down the mountain… Well, I cut the rope, he said, he said to me you know I’d have done the same. Those were the first words he uttered to me. ” 然后Richard 很开心地回忆说Joe找他自己的裤子,Richard告诉他他们烧了他的裤子,Joe很生气 :))Richard 乐呵呵地陈述说,他们realised that it was the same old Joe back again!

6, Bnugirl 网友记错了哈,Joe 也没有在影片的开头说感谢simon 救了他的命,他只是反复强调登山之fun,fun,fun.这个fun fun fun, 俺是有同感的。

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