
主题:美帝终于跳到前台来了 -- mandman

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家园 【原创】

原文在此, 请看英文版原文:



The U.S. encourages “both sides to work aggressively to resolve” their differences “as quickly as possible,” State Department spokesman Philip J. Crowley told reporters in New York yesterday, where Clinton met with Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly’s annual meeting.

“We don’t take a position on the sovereignty of the Senkakus,” Crowley said.

丘八们倒是很激动: 但是又有个问题, 军方的观点中,没有说钓鱼岛算不算Japan的region内.

明确站位? 当搞外交的都跟Bush一样头脑简单?

唯一说美国已经站位的就是前原诚司(Seiji Maehara)自述的内容。而且,搜搜看Seiji Maehara + Senkaku , 毛的新闻都没有,除了鬼子的。

“We’re watching that tension very, very carefully,” said Navy Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and President Barack Obama’s top military adviser. “Obviously we’re very, very strongly in support of our ally in that region, Japan,” he told reporters at the Pentagon yesterday.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates, conducting a joint briefing with Mullen, added, “We would fulfill our alliance responsibilities.” The two leaders, who spoke in response to questions, didn’t comment further.

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