主题:【原创】刘晓波确实是诺贝尔和平奖最好的人选了 -- 老广

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家园 脑残的自供状:刘晓波因被中国判刑获奖


现在看诺贝尔和平奖评选是越来越搞笑的,给了戈尔不算,去年还给奥巴马。今年就因为个宪章就给了晓波,让其他民主前辈搓火的很,欧洲人对charter这个词有fantasy, 就和08年奥巴马讲演一样,一忌出来,到处高潮无处。我怀疑最近几年和平奖委员会应该是换了拨人,否则不能如此脑残。


综合媒体10月28日报道,挪威诺贝尔研究所主任、诺贝尔和平奖评委会秘书伦德斯塔德(Geir Lundestad)近日在英国牛津大学一次谈话中表示,诺贝尔和平奖评委会成员逐渐认为“必须解决中国问题”,而“中国对刘晓波严酷判刑”解决了“如何找出中国活动分子”这一问题。





He (Geir Lundestad of the Norwegian Nobel committee)said the judges had gradually come to believe they had to "address the China question".

"If we had given a prize to a dissident from Cuba or Vietnam, fine, there are difficult situations in those countries," he said during a talk at Oxford University. "But the question would then be: why don't you address China?

"And we felt that the credibility of the prize depended on this – we had to address this issue – despite the complexities that this would involve."

He added: "The next question was who should we give the prize to?

"We've studied this for several years: who are the right dissidents? We felt, obviously, that Liu was very important in his own right.

"But the Chinese government solved the problem for us. On 25 December 2009, they punished him, they sentenced him to 11 years in prison.

China made peace prize decision for us, says Nobel judge

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