
主题:【原创】飞腾的火焰-萨珊波斯四百年(不定期填坑) -- 赫克托尔

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家园 高卢帝国的分裂,好像不是这样


This man, most valiant in war and most steadfast in peace, was so highly respected for his whole manner of life that he was even entrusted by Gallienus with the care of his son Saloninus (whom he had placed in command of Gaul) as the guardian of his life and conduct and his instructor in the duties of a ruler. Nevertheless, as some writers assert — though it does not accord with his character — he afterwards broke faith and after slaying Saloninus seized the imperial power. As others, however, have related with greater truth, the Gauls themselves, hating Gallienus most bitterly and being unwilling to endure a boy as their emperor, hailed as their ruler the man who was holding the rule in trust for another, and despatching soldiers they slew the boy. When he was slain, Postumus was gladly accepted by the entire army and by all the Gauls, and for seven years

出自《奥古斯塔史 -- 30 伪帝时代》

Postumus 是高卢帝国第一位皇帝 坡斯图穆斯

Saloninus 是伽利埃努斯的次子,镇守在科隆历练,被手下杀了

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