
主题:【原创】在转基因争论中有关育种学的一些基本概念 -- 瓦斯

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家园 您其实没有看懂这5点危害究竟危害在哪里。

您其实没有看懂这5点危害究竟危害在哪里, 或者说,您其实没有看懂这5点危害究竟是在说什么。

1。 (1)BT蛋白对于昆虫细胞的毒性可能并不特异。实验证明,BT蛋白不仅可以溶解昆虫动物的肠道细胞,而且可以溶解非昆虫细胞来源的磷脂双分子层,并且可以与哺乳动物的肠粘膜细胞发生结合。因此,在高浓度的时候,可能会对哺乳动物造成毒性。

上面这句话是说, 1。 我们种植的BT转基因大豆, BT转基因土豆, BT转基因大米, 这些需要 “长期大量” 食用的东西, 如果BT蛋白对昆虫细胞的毒性不特异的话, 呵呵, 那就好玩了。

比如, 你吃了炒土豆丝, 但是, 饭店里的厨师为了追求口感,炒得嫩一些, 脆一些, 也就是说, 炒得生一些, 呵呵, 您这位“食用蒸煮食物的人类”就很可能摄入有生物活性的BT毒蛋白, 而不仅仅是变性后的蛋白。 如果有人特别喜欢炒土豆丝, 也特别喜欢炒得嫩一些, 脆一些, 这种人可能很多,特别是北方的一些省份, 比如陕西, 山西, 东北什么的, 呵呵, 那么, 这些“食用蒸煮食物的人类” 可能比偶尔吃一次土豆丝的您更加倒霉。

再比如大豆, 经常用来榨油, BT毒蛋白是否会在豆油内存留, 是否有人那它做色拉油, 生吃, 呵呵。 西方人和中国人在食用习惯的一个非常大的不同就是:他们太喜欢生吃食物了! 几乎所有的蔬菜, 他们都可能生吃!

又比如, 转基因土豆, 或者大豆, 农民拿它来喂家畜, 家禽什么的, 如果BT毒蛋白对昆虫不特异的话, 呵呵, 因为他们不是“食用蒸煮食物的人类”, 所以, 他们要倒大霉了, 因为, 他们是“长期大量”食用这东西。

再比如, 很多鸟类, 他们可能会吃下吃了BT毒蛋白的昆虫的幼虫, 那么,由于他们也不是“食用蒸煮食物的人类”, 他们也随着食用昆虫摄入了BT毒蛋白! 呵呵。至于我们究竟威胁到了多少种鸟类的生存, 我们这些“食用蒸煮食物的人类”是不会关心的。 好玩吧。 呵呵。

另外, BT毒蛋白是否那么容易变性, 俺也不知道, 毕竟, 俺知道, 疯牛病的所谓的病毒, 也就是那个毒蛋白, 是很难高温杀灭的, 据说要用高温高压强碱才能杀死(如摄氏134度下加热1小时,才能杀死表面疯牛病毒),不知我们这些“食用蒸煮食物的人类”, 有几个人会这样做饭的。呵呵



上面这句话是说呢, 俺要解释几个名词1. LD50, LD50是所谓的半数致死量, 也就是说, 让一个叫小明的小鼠和小明的哥哥大明吃下20g/KG的BT毒蛋白, 小明或者小明的哥哥大明两个老鼠之中必有一个会被毒死! 这叫半数致死量。[/COLOR] , 各位看官, 俺们现在讨论的不是某种药物, 而是要讨论诸如土豆, 玉米, 水稻, 大豆子类的,我们要“长期大量”食用的主食!


也就是说,讨论的是如果你不会一次吃下这么多的BT毒蛋白, 那么, 不要紧, 慢慢吃, 因为BT毒蛋白有积蓄性! 呵呵。长期摄入可造成肝、肾细胞空泡化,肾血管上皮细胞变性,等肝肾功能损害, 所以,不要着急, 慢慢吃, 就可以看到很有趣的结果。

比如这样:食用转基因土豆老鼠肠胃中出现异常增生细胞(它不是直接吃BT毒蛋白,而是像人一样, 吃土豆)




食用转基因大豆的雄性小鼠睾丸颜色变深 结构发生改变


其实这个东西还是在讨论小明和小明哥哥的生死问题, 而不是讨论诸如土豆, 玉米, 水稻, 大豆这些食物本应该的, 用食物填饱肚子的问题。


后面的几点俺就不一一讨论了, 其实, 仔细就可以看得懂, 应该不难懂。

如果您认为还不够, 呵呵, 自己上网查一下吧, 比如这些:

65 Health Risks of GM Foods

Section 1: Evidence of reactions in animals and humans

1.1 GM potatoes damaged rats

1. Rats were fed potatoes engineered to produce their own insecticide.

2. They developed potentially precancerous cell growth in the digestive tract, inhibited development of their brains, livers and testicles, partial atrophy of the liver, enlarged pancreases and intestines and immune system damage.

3. The cause was not the insecticide, but in all likelihood was the process of genetic engineering.

4. GM foods on the market梬hich were created with the same process梙ave not been subject to such an extensive testing protocol.

1.2 Rats fed GM tomatoes got bleeding stomachs, several died

1. Rats were fed the GM FlavrSavr tomato for 28 days.

2. Seven of 20 rats developed stomach lesions (bleeding stomachs); another 7 of 40 died within two weeks and were replaced in the study.

3. The tomato was approved despite unresolved safety questions by FDA scientists.

1.3 Rats fed Bt corn had multiple health problems

1. Rats were fed Monsanto's Mon 863 Bt corn for 90 days.

2. They showed significant changes in their blood cells, livers and kidneys, which might indicate disease.

3. Although experts demanded follow-up, Monsanto used unscientific, contradictory arguments to dismiss concerns.

1.4 Mice fed GM Bt potatoes had intestinal damage

1. Mice were fed either GM potatoes engineered to produce the Bt-toxin or natural potatoes spiked with Bt-toxin.

2. Both diets created abnormal and excessive cell growth in the lower part of their small intestine (ileum).

3. Similar damage to the human small intestine might result in incontinence or flu-like symptoms, and may be precancerous.

4. This study overturns the assumptions that Bt-toxin is destroyed during digestion and is not biologically active in mammals.

1.5 Workers exposed to Bt cotton developed allergies

1. Agricultural laborers in six villages who picked or loaded Bt cotton reported reactions of the skin, eyes and upper respiratory tract.

2. Some laborers required hospitalization.

3. Employees at a cotton gin factory take antihistamines everyday.

4. One doctor treated about 250 cotton laborers

1.6 Sheep died after grazing in Bt cotton fields

1. After the cotton harvest in parts of India, sheep herds grazed continuously on Bt cotton plants.

2. Reports from four villages revealed that about 25% of the sheep died within a week.

3. Post mortem studies suggest a toxic reaction.

1.7 Inhaled Bt corn pollen may have triggered disease in humans

1. In 2003, approximately 100 people living next to a Bt cornfield in the Philippines developed skin, respiratory, intestinal reactions and other symptoms while the corn was shedding pollen.

2. Blood tests of 39 people showed an antibody response to Bt-toxin, which supports梑ut does not prove梐 link.

3. The symptoms reappeared in 2004 in at least four other villages that planted the same corn variety.

4. Villagers also attribute several animal deaths to the corn.

1.8 Farmers report pigs and cows became sterile from GM corn

1. More than 20 farmers in North America report that pigs fed GM corn varieties had low conception rates, false pregnancies or gave birth to bags of water.

2. Both male and female pigs became sterile.

3. Some farmers also report sterility among cows.

1.9 Twelve cows in Germany died mysteriously when fed Bt corn

1. Twelve dairy cows died on a farm in Hesse Germany, after being fed a diet with significant amounts of a single GM corn variety, Bt 176.

2. Other cows in the herd had to be killed due to some mysterious illness.

3. Syngenta, the producers of Bt 176, compensated the farmer for part of his losses, but did not admit responsibility for the cow deaths.

4. In spite of demands by the farmer and even public protests, no detailed autopsy reports were made available.

1.10 Mice fed Roundup Ready soy had liver cell problems

1. The liver cells of mice fed Roundup Ready soybeans showed significant changes.

2. Irregularly shaped nuclei and nucleoli, an increased number of nuclear pores and other changes, all suggest higher metabolism and altered patterns of gene expression.

3. The changes may be in response to a toxin.

4. Most of the effects disappeared when GM soy was removed from the diet.

1.11 Mice fed Roundup Ready soy had problems with the pancreas

1. Mice fed GM soy showed changes in the synthesis and processing of digestive enzymes.

2. The production of alpha-amylase, a major digestive enzyme, dropped by as much as 77%.

3. This, combined with other pancreatic changes, suggests that GM soy may interfere with digestion and assimilation, as well as alter gene expression.

1.12 Mice fed Roundup Ready soy had unexplained changes in testicular cells

1. The structure and gene expression pattern of testicle cells of mice fed Roundup Ready soybeans changed significantly.

2. The cause for the changes is unknown, but the testicles are sensitive indicators of toxins.

3. Some of the changes might possibly influence adult fertility as well as the health of the offspring.

4. Mouse embryos from GM-fed mothers did show a temporary decrease in gene expression.

1.13 Roundup Ready Soy Changed Cell Metabolism in Rabbit Organs

1. Rabbits fed GM soy for about 40 days showed significant differences in the amounts of certain enzymes in their kidneys, hearts and livers.

2. A rise in LDH1 levels in all three organs suggests an increase in cellular metabolism.

3. Changes in other enzymes point to other alterations in the organs.

1.14 Most offspring of rats fed Roundup Ready soy died within three weeks

1. Female rats were fed Roundup Ready soy starting before conception and continuing through pregnancy and weaning.

2. Of the offspring, 55.6% died within three weeks compared to 9% from non-GM soy controls.

3. Some pups from GM-fed mothers were significantly smaller and both mothers and pups were more aggressive.

4. In a separate study, after a lab began feeding rats a commercial diet containing GM soy, offspring mortality reached 55.3%.

5. When offspring from GM-fed rats were mated together, they were unable to conceive.

1.15 Soy allergies skyrocketed in the UK, soon after GM soy was introduced

1. In a single year, 1999, soy allergies in the UK jumped from 10% to 15% of the sampled population.

2. GM soy was imported into the country shortly before 1999.

3. Antibody tests verify that some individuals react differently to GM and non-GM soy varieties.

4. GM soy also has an increased concentration of a known allergen

1.16 Rats fed Roundup Ready canola had heavier livers

1. The livers of rats fed GM canola were 12-16% heavier than those fed non-GM varieties.

2. The liver is a chemical factory and primary detoxifier for the body.

3. Heavier livers may indicate liver disease or inflammation.

4. If this were caused by oil-soluble toxins, they may be present in canola oil.

1.17 Twice the number of chickens died when fed Liberty Link corn

1. The death rate for chickens fed Chardon LL GM corn for 42 days was 7%, compared to 3.5% for controls.

2. GM-fed chickens also had more erratic body weight and food intake, and less weight gain overall.

3. The study was designed so that only huge differences would be statistically significant.

4. The results were therefore dismissed without follow-up.

1.18 GM peas generated an allergic-type inflammatory response in mice

1. In advanced tests not normally part of GM crop evaluations, protein produced by GM peas generated a dangerous immune response in mice.

2. That 搒ame?protein, when produced naturally in beans, had no effect.

3. The GM peas produced a subtle, hard-to-detect difference in the way sugar molecules attached to the protein, which likely caused the problem.

4. The response in mice suggested that the GM peas could provoke inflammatory or allergic reactions in humans; commercialization of the peas was therefore cancelled.

5. This type of subtle but dangerous change in the GM protein would rarely, if ever, be detected in the safety assessments typically used to approve GM crops.

1.19 Eyewitness reports: Animals avoid GMOs

1. When given a choice, several animals avoided eating GM food.

2. In farmer-run tests, cows and pigs repeatedly passed up GM corn.

3. Animals that avoided GM food include cows, pigs, geese, squirrels, elk, deer, raccoons, mice and rats.

1.20 A GM food supplement killed about 100 people and caused 5,000-10,000 to fall sick

1. One brand of the supplement L-tryptophan created a deadly US epidemic in the 1980s

2. The company genetically engineered bacteria to produce the supplement more economically.

3. Their product contained many contaminants, five or six of which were suspected as the cause of the disease.

4. Discovering the epidemic required multiple coincidences, suggesting that adverse reactions to GM foods may be hard to identify.

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