
主题:【新年献礼】E舅公的故事:你们不让我当老大很久了 -- wqnsihs

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家园 This is pride of Commoner

And especially in the West and Mid-West, we can see very clearly and be quite impressed by this kind of Commoners' pride.

In CCHERE, the posts by Qi Yue Qun Shan, which I enjoy tremendously, especially the posts about the "Woodpeckers" couple and the African American Boy that was his apprentice, very concisely demonstrated what "the Commoners' pride" is all about.

And this commoners' pride, is not to be confused with the spirits and the self awareness of the nobles of the old continent.


From my years of living in the US, the very fascient thing about America is exactly this kind of Commoners' Pride, and it is so very different from the pride of the nobles.

To see what the pride of the nobles is all about, I would recommend a short story by Somerset Maugham: The Lion's Skin.


The world we live in and experience with is a 4D thing: three D being the physical space and the fourth being the time axis. From reading the beautifully versed family story of Mang zong, one can clearly feel the neat rhytum of clear stream water flows through rocks smoothed by the flowing water in time.

As the Greek said, one can never step into the same river for a second time. Such is the case about the elegance of the nobles. However fascenting and impressing, the time has changed.


A world of Mozart and even Chopin is no more. We are all commoners now.

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