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主题:【原创】闲话82:美国黄巾军(1) -- 井底望天
Arizona has one of the biggest housing bubbles and suffered most from the collapse.
Its problem started to pop out earliest among all states, in 2007.
It is the first state to force forlough for public sector employees.
Your counterparts use Texas--Texas is also the non-typical state: because of its huge revenue inflow from the high 2008 oil price.
Texas suffered very little from the housing bust and benefitted a lot from the 2003-2008 oil price boom.
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压缩 2 层
🙂再补充一点,她的欠债如此之多跟bush八年有显著关系 49 无梦到徽州 字414 2011-04-20 00:01:28
🙂说说哪个州吧 3 龙战于野 字285 2011-04-21 12:28:26
🙂不便说她的详细情况,举个别州的例子吧 无梦到徽州 字702 2011-04-21 12:45:43
🙂extreme example
🙂Texas涨的不算最少 龙战于野 字185 2011-04-24 10:37:09
🙂呵呵,小布躺着也中枪 7 龙战于野 字231 2011-04-21 15:11:29
🙂小布同时开了两盘海外麻将 青色水 字51 2011-04-23 08:16:28
🙂平时津津乐道:犯强汉者虽远必诛 4 龙战于野 字255 2011-04-23 08:55:05