
主题:【原创】中微子超光速?(修改了一些错误) -- witten1

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家园 引一些比较精彩的评论

来自于这个blog外链出处后面的讨论,主要引了Marek Radzikowski的评论,因为我觉得相对来说他的物理图像是对的,且这些评论足以反击一些粗浅的质疑。

The idea of gravity somehow speeding up the neutrino to a faster-than-light speed also seems to be a bit of a stretch, since (1) gravity on the earth is usually considered too weak to significantly affect the results of high energy physics experiments, (2) neutrinos (if assumed to have a regular small mass) would follow a slight geodesic arc close to (& slightly more bent than) that which light would follow (if it could pass through the matter unscathed as neutrinos do), and so presumably would arrive later than light would since a regular particle's 4-velocity never can move outside the forward light cone locally. If you are suggesting that the neutrino manages to find a wormhole (or a path through extra dimensions) that conspires to give the neutrino that extra lead on the light, then that would seem even more incredible to me than the assumption of a tachyonic neutrino. The mere existence of wormholes, along with their sudden appearance at the neutrinos' precise location at the time the experiment is run, would seem to be extremely unlikely extraneous assumptions of the sort that are liable to be shaved off by Occam's razor.

CERN scientists already gave this a second look. Fermilab saw similar results 5 years ago, but CERN is the only facility with instruments precise enough for the results to be significant. They have repeated this experiment thousands of times over three years, and they would probably agree with you that they must have been wrong somewhere. We can give them the benefit of the doubt that they were exhaustive. It is only because it is such a baffling result that they are making it available for criticism from the scientific community before they publish. It is always important to remain skeptical, but not necessarily dismissive. This is a good day for physics. Hopefully more facilities will be able to obtain funding for equipment precise enough to try and repeat or invalidate the results. It's refreshing to see neutrinos suddenly become so mainstream.

This experiment was performed exhaustively by some of the most respected physicists in the world in the only facility with instrumentation as precise. Like their colleagues at Fermilab, they were not trying to show that the universal speed limit isn't what we thought it was. Also like their colleagues at Fermilab, this is not what they concluded. Instead, they obtained a result they couldn't explain. After rigorously examining their work, they made the result public to allow others to scrutinize. Rightly so because you don't just dismiss a result like this as you know. The fact that it came from CERN is significant because of the equipment involved and, yes, the credibility of the physicists working on the project. You wrongly equate this with being fallacy or appealing to authority. Obviously, their credentials have no impact on their experiment's validity, but it is absolutely fair to say that you should hear them out and get all the facts. Finally, they are not making any claims other than that this result is intriguing and . And analysis fromb= has revealed no obvious systematic errors.

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