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主题:【整理】占领华尔街 -- 天煞穆珏
People began to talk very seriously about organizing in a more cohesive way than they have been. Jailhouse rookies, who had never been arrested or involved in radical political activities, listened attentively as experienced activists spoke about the need to set clear demands in order to rally broader public support for specific outcomes.
I don’t know what’s going to happen to Occupy Wall Street as a movement. Maybe it will fizzle out, maybe it will grow. I do know that whatever happens will be documented. And I know that there’s a history of activist movements being bolstered when leaders and followers alike are jailed together.
- 相关回复 上下关系8
🙂恩,白人性格粗野,直接 星光 字56 2011-10-02 23:31:11
🙂今天联储主席在参院听证会上的有关占领华尔街运动的证词 7 PBS 字1163 2011-10-04 13:59:11
🙂联储主席不在河里嘛,赶紧出来招供。 readerg 字0 2011-10-06 07:23:17
🙂一个值得注意的发展 52 发了胖的罗密欧 字1010 2011-09-29 15:18:50
🙂还是要工人阶级出面。 readerg 字0 2011-10-06 07:11:15
🙂就差两个人啊两个人了!! 1 一页书 字124 2011-10-05 10:26:15
🙂等着看M1 火候 字65 2011-10-05 08:08:53