
主题:西方,西方媒体,中国,俄国,智者。 -- CaoMeng

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家园 通过西方的瞳孔-俄国是整么被误解的

失踪的章页 -对俄罗斯的个人看法-二十年以后

Through Western Eyes – Russia Misconstrued


In Russia, even the past is unpredictable


Rene De Obaldia

(草蜢注:Rene De Obaldia是香港出生的法国剧作家和诗人)

As I queued in Paris clutching a one-way ticket to Moscow, Russia circa 1997 seemed to offer infinite promise – adventure, exoticism, even some sex… cash too – and especially, an escape from the stultifying boredom and bureaucracy of old Europe into the wildest frontier of global finance.


Only the blind or hopelessly retrograde could fail to see that this young country was throwing off the shackles of Communism, striding boldly into a brave new world.


On the emerging markets debt desk in Paris, while extending bounteous repo credit to the “best” Russian banks, and brokering Soviet and Russian bonds to our moreadventurous clients, we had made sport of our obstructive but dim-witted compliance officers, filling our personal accounts with Russian bonds and equities.


But the real action was on the ground in Moscow – and what did I have to lose?


Two weeks later, flagging down a gypsy cab on the Sadovoe Koltso for a ride to the investment conference at the Mezhdunarodnaya, a Soviet-era hearse pulled up, offering me a ride for a modest 30 roubles.

两个星期以后,在Sadovoe Koltso大街打 “山寨”的士的时候,一辆苏联时代的殡车到来,向我提供了收费仅30卢布的服务。

While the omen was initially lost upon me, that afternoon I was dragged out of yet another stultifying Gazprom presentation by my friend Adam, calling from London with the news that the Hong Kong market was melting down.


“Adam”, I replied, “sorry to hear that – but why am I supposed to care? I’m at a Russia conference…” By the end of that afternoon, I had realized why I should care…

“亚当”,我回答说,“很抱歉地听到这消息 - 但关我啥事啊? 我在俄国开会。。。” 在那下午结束之前,我就明白为什么我需要关心了。。。

Great bubbles live in mortal terror of little termites – catalysts that ultimately trigger their demise.

大泡沫总是生活在对小白蚁的死亡恐怖之中 - 那是他们死亡的最终催化剂。

The Asian crisis was the pebble that triggered a Russian avalanche – a classical debt crisis terminating with refinance rates spiralling out of control; Russian financial markets went into a tailspin, ultimately crashing by more than 90%, as rates on

government debt went ballistic, repeatedly cresting at well over 100% per annum. It seemed that I had bought myself a ring-side seat for the end of the world – but alas, that seat was well inside the ring!

亚洲金融危机是造成俄国雪崩的小石头-一个经典的再融资利率失控的的债务危机;俄国金融市场被推向了深渊,最终崩溃到90%以上,当政府债卷利率完成了弹道导弹式滴上升,不止一次滴达到了100%的年利率。看起来,我给自己买了一张世界末日的环侧就座票 - 但问题是,我发现这座位完全在拳击场以内。

关键词(Tags): #俄罗斯#金融危机

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