
主题:中帝国主义ABC(0) -- 达雅

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家园 看的人似乎不多,我来当一回文抄公。


The question is, will China avoid the so-called “Middle Income Trap”? This is a phrase coined by some simple-minded economists from the Asian Development Bank (ADB)

with a linear view of the world who avoid the concept of imperialism like the plague.

If there is a “trap”, it is a trap that was set up by imperialists. This is because the

multinationals are not interested in true development in Third World countries. They will try everything they can to prevent a Third World country from acquiring advanced

technologies so that it can move up the industrial food chain, into high-value added production, and thereby compete with the multinationals.


This is the irony of history! It took a period of independent socialist development first, a break from worldwide capitalist system, to make the indigenous capitalist development in a Third World country possible. Before this, it was true that only socialism could have saved China. But after it had an all-around industrial foundation, there were two roads to take. Both the socialist road (as in the case of the former Soviet Union which was able to develop in 30 years from a backward industrial power to a superpower after World War II) and the capitalist road could develop China, albeit in different ways, benefitting different classes. The elite in China chose the latter road for their own benefit


After it succeeded in dismantling the collectives in the countryside, the new ruling class moved its target back to the cities in the early 1990’s. It used the private sector economy to undercut most of the state sector enterprises. After milking most of the state sector dry, managers of these enterprises also set up private enterprises of their own to compete with the very state-owned enterprises that they were managing. The new elite was able to bankrupt the state-owned enterprises and break the backs of the urban working class. They replaced workers in the state sector with new workers from the countryside without any benefits or rights to their jobs in the private sector.


Perhaps not just paranoid, the party-state apparatus, more than the private capitalists, is keenly aware of the power of working class organization, especially a working class that was once in power. All other classes are allowed to have their own civil organizations in China, except for the working class.


And yet, there is no platform for this struggle to take place in China, as in the case of functioning capitalist democracies. The real threat to the party-state bureaucratic regime at this time is not from any outside forces, but the threat of implosion, as in the case of the former Soviet Union.

The clashes between the party-state bureaucratic capitalists and private capitalists that typified the so-called “Color revolution” in the Eastern European countries might come to China someday.


Like in the case of the Jewish people who were being exterminated during World War II, yet later the Zionists become the oppressors of the Palestinian people under the state of Israel, China is entering a transitional period in which it is no longer an oppressed nation, and is potentially becoming an oppressor nation. Confronted with the choices between fighting against hegemony and competing for hegemony, it often chooses the latter. A strong sense of nationalism in China combined with growing industrial might under capitalism is pushing it in the direction of imperialism.


While the U.S. is going down, the rise of China will upset even more the balance of power in the world, provided the fragile party-state bureaucratic capitalist regime does not implode beforehand. Upholding nationalism is one means for the regime to keep itself alive. Currently, this nationalism is on the rise.


Sooner or later, the shifting balance of power will lead to a war. Like Mao said, either a worldwide revolution will stop the inter-imperialist war, or the war will lead to a worldwide revolution. The First World War led to the first working-class state, while the Second World War gave birth to a socialist camp. If there is another inter-imperialist war, it will have educated the peoples of the world, including the people of the U.S., of the true evils of capitalism. They will have realized that to free humanity from the destruction of inter-imperialist wars, they will have to overthrow imperialism. To overthrow imperialism, they will have to overthrow capitalism. They don’t have much choice. The next inter-imperialist war will bring down the capitalist system worldwide— once and for all! All the nuclear weapons the U.S. possesses will be useless when facing a revolt of its own people!



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