
主题:请中国政府对萨米人的悲惨遭遇表示关注 -- Emyn

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家园 It is not expensive

I just searched the 3-bedroom apartments for rental on Harvard campus. The price of the first 20 listings range from $2,300 to $3,900, with the median at $2,500. So $2,900 is a normal price.

Even if Guagua lives in the apartment alone instead of sharing with others, which I just assume but don't really know, it only indicates a living level at high notch, still within the normal range, and definitely not luxury. Based on my experience, many moderately rich families in Chinese can support their children at such a living standard. And I am talking about the circle of Chinese students 10 years ago. Today I am sure they are more students who can afford a 3-bedroom alone.

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