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主题:2012 大选周记 之一 -- 切地雷
money to accommodate all kinds of constituents who helped him out in this election.
1. USD will depreciate and America moves firmly one step further closer to Greece.
2. Prepare for the next USD crisis which will shake the foundation of global financial system--this time the 2007-2009 credit crisis will look like trivial in comparison.
3. *America will slowly lose out since capitalists will not invest further in America UNLESS ANY EXOGENEOUS SHOCK, such as war. The trend of deindustrialization can not be reversed unless a regional war destroyed the manufacturing capacity in America's competitors: industrialized Europe, Asia and China.
It will be a decade of slow growth, stagnation for America: just deja vu of 1970s.
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🙂没这么简单 4 xtqntd 字771 2012-11-11 23:42:36
🙂可能不是一个简单短暂的过程。 地的得 字54 2012-11-12 00:01:09
🙂那是 1 xtqntd 字132 2012-11-12 00:08:50
🙂He will keep on printing
🙂理论上来说 1 Levelworm 字374 2012-11-11 16:20:56
🙂只要中国压力减轻一点,总是好的 1 本嘉明 字32 2012-11-09 23:46:56
🙂美元,对欧元,日元,人民币,都不可能大幅贬值 4 益者三友 字679 2012-11-09 23:33:47
🙂飓风破坏了好多房屋,重建是否可以拉动建筑业? 2 xiaobailong 字194 2012-11-10 05:49:38