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主题:2012 大选周记 之一 -- 切地雷
the best universities in States are all private universities. Public universities back in States are not much better than those in Canada at all.
One of my close friends sent her twin daughters to CMU and another east coast elite school. The annual cost is at least 50k per person. Every time when we chat on phone, she will always tell me that the education at these elite private schools are THE BEST INVESTMENT in her life.
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🙂围城啊围城 5 本嘉明 字358 2012-11-20 12:12:38
🙂然后你孩子毕业后,犹豫两下,搬去中国了 1 五藤高庆 字10 2012-11-21 21:02:25
🙂天下哪里有完美啊hehe. parishg 字0 2012-11-20 16:02:28
🙂you need to save big money
🙂他小子拿不到奖学金就不要去了 3 本嘉明 字248 2012-11-20 22:17:23
🙂搬家的决心真不好下 肥猫 字151 2012-11-21 11:08:26
🙂猫兄,以你所听到的口碑 本嘉明 字265 2012-11-21 13:36:41
🙂我可不是高教专家,也就对商学院了解一点 4 肥猫 字729 2012-11-22 17:01:34