
主题:【原创】围绕脑科学而发生的若干玄想 -- 鸿乾

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家园 "世界是二维的?关于全息屏和作为熵力的引力"

I really like this paper, smarty folks, as I said, thought invoking, and how come we Chinese is always behind and play 華車, 璀喇叭胎教子, writing reviews and follow up papers, as 李淼 said, not sure if 李淼 still even read journals anymore


爱因斯坦场=gravity, 幾何的, what you can do with 幾何?


热力学: 熵, temperature are all defined and measured by partition function and stat @macroscopic

level, are you a sys admin guy with a daily updated password?

none of the above, just a plain individual, then

熵@micrscopic state level=0,may be that is why we always feel good and pride, in our blood, and most likely it is 幻覺, fake, baby;

penrose has been trying to get a more meaningful 熵@microscopic, going no where;


Verlinde, after his string theory (can never be tested/measured at current energy capability level) went no where, combined the part 1&2

so, now with verlinde's theory, we have some kind of 热力学引力場 model with entropy 动力学 between macroscopic and microscopic with that paper as a start, to get into social

引力場 动力学, as an appetizer, kind of, before a really good dinner, white's near term dream

4. why doing all these?

US 4政委 parallel 制度 can never compete with tg's 1 政委 hierarchy structure (result of that is 愚民, very likely) , in terms of social

引力場 information collection and analysis, and tg's 经典物理 power in its top-down 1 政委 hierarchy structure , is unmatched globally.

so, white has to go social/market powered AI for social 引力場 , etc, so US 4政委 parallel could work together with market and half 愚民 democracy, to compete with tg's 集权制度, to 改良 social 引力場 測度, 改良生產關係, etc

5. as a personal mental health advice for all of us:

unless you have tg's minister level 组织文件 or US 4政委's expensive AI model, basically all the information we collect and analyze as an individual @microscopic, are very close to garbage in terms of 機率 density distribution function , but most of the time (it should really be the opposite, upside down kind of mess up) we all feel we see and feel something great, because the system wants us all to do that and feel that way and try our best@microscopic, so system can 費曼 路徑積分 @system and macroscopic level, to come out with a collective level AI, and in the process, any individual ant can be sacrificed with no mercy at all, basically

and very often, for an individual ant, garbage in =garbage out@紅外, and once 紅外=4 ever紅外




sky.hhu.edu.cn/ec.../read-interactive.do?... - 轉為繁體網頁

最近有个搞超弦理论出身的荷兰物理学家Erik Verlinde放弃了超炫理论,另辟蹊径,提出万有引力不是基本作用力,就像皮球内部的压力,只是封闭气体分子的集体 ...







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