
主题:【原创】围绕脑科学而发生的若干玄想 -- 鸿乾

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家园 goog may buy them out


AI is all about how we individuals as social animals or social agent socially interact with each other more effectively and efficiently, and information collection and analysis is a big part of it;

so, as I has been posting all the time, we have a social 场, but with a huge waste of human energy, and social 场 has to be "reformed" not by revolution, but with help of physics/math;

and as I have been writing about the white social science "model", white relies on the development of their social human capital across as broad social ranks/areas as possible with a kind of "free and diverse choice/market" style, all the time, it is in their blood, that kind of culture;

in contrast, we Chinese are almost like one kind of product, out of Chinese 科技人才 education assemble line, almost clean cookie cutter

and we do have quite bit of 技, few of first class level, very little 科 if any at all, the way those Chinese professors are.

西南联大 used to be near if not @world advanced level, physics, at least.


爱因斯坦场=gravity, 幾何的, what you can do with 幾何?

热力学: 熵, temperature are all defined and measured by partition function and stat @macroscopic, majority of people are not sysadmins;

Verlinde, after his string theory (can never be tested/measured at current energy capability level) went no where, combined the part 1&2, so he basically has a information field theory model established;

and with that the paper you quoted and other folks in the field, can start do more app oriented models/softwares, etc, a great start;

As discussed about that MIT AI meeting, those AI folks will have to pay attention to the physics side of AI, which none of them know any thing, AI without physics is going no where, goog should buy these two guys outright;

3. now I am going to bad mouse on our Chinese culture (including my own mindset the way it is formatted like everybody eles):

we have been all brain 光刻 by our dear Chinese culture for 6k years, and possibly as a result, we under perform in many ways if compared to Indians and some European folks here in US with similar background as we do, and I happen to know too many Chinese engineering/physics/math PHDs here in usa: 身在曹營心在漢, with all kind of their own little dreams/tricks for 漢, kind of an open secret in and outside of that community.

I often comment to them: you guys watch too much 后宫·甄嬛传, but that is in our blood.

and tg as smart as they are know that very well, tg is not going to pay a good price unless you are really of some value, and we all know tg 二代 don't really bother to spend even a few pennies to those famous 两弹一星 元勋二代, no honey, no money;

my bad mouse's point is actually more about our selves as an individual: how "too simple too nave" our own brain AI could go in a social 场? and our individual's point of view in a social 场 is very often garbage, in terms of competitiveness, if from physics point of view ;

even in physics, 爱因斯坦场, 热力学 can only provide information at macroscopic level about 场力 (the way Verlinde did, still disputed, of course and as always, no 實驗, no money in physics) , you can oly define and measure 爱因斯坦场力, gravity, or 热力, @macroscopic level around a "canonical (平衡正則) system", and how do you define a "canonical (平衡正則) system"? it is already very difficult in physics;

so for most of us, instead of reading with your raw eyes and think with your raw brain, you got to have a model, or if you can manage to have some access to tg's internal elite 场, which is very much 等價交換 based like any 场 , and there is no way you can cheat out the big boss;

so, that paper in that sense is some kind of breakthrough, in terms of social AI model building, and hopefully from there on, a social 场 will be more competitive based on more "fair" playing information acquisition/process, more like financial market: can tg/or any organization manage/manipulate global international financial market? tg's 金融38軍 has been 內戰 all the time, and then 后宫·甄嬛传

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