
主题:【整理】 我来撕下自由世界的假面具 -- 懒虫123

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家园 【历史】731部队首脑不被认为是战犯





石井四郎(いしい しろう;1892年6月25日-1959年10月9日),日本千叶县加茂村人,日本军人。日军731部队首脑。为了证明其研究的有效而获得经费,他曾亲身用自己设计的净水器将尿和污水净化后饮食,据说该净水器还曾在琉黄岛等战事中发挥作用。


据称第二次世界大战结束后,石井四郎用其细菌研究的资料数据和驻日美军进行交易,逃避了战争法庭的审判。之后随着1952年后日美缔结和约,日本政府得到了赦免战犯的权力,于是一大批B C类战犯都得以免于罪责(靖国新论)。





Immunity[edit source | editbeta]

Arrested by the US occupation authorities at the end of World War II, Ishii and other Unit 731 leaders were to be thoroughly interrogated by the Soviet authorities.[6] Instead Ishii and his team managed to negotiate and receive immunity in 1946 from war-crimes prosecution before the Tokyo tribunal in exchange for their full disclosure of germ warfare data based on human experimentation. Although the Soviet Russian authorities wished the prosecutions to take place, the USA objected after the reports of the investigating US microbiologists. Among these was Dr. Edwin Hill (Chief of Fort Detrick), whose report stated that the information was "absolutely invaluable", it "could never have been obtained in the USA because of scruples attached to experiments on humans", and "the information was obtained fairly cheaply".[6] On 6 May 1947, Douglas MacArthur wrote to Washington that "additional data, possibly some statements from Ishii probably can be obtained by informing Japanese involved that information will be retained in intelligence channels and will not be employed as 'War Crimes' evidence."[7] The deal was concluded in 1948.[citation needed] In this way Ishii was never prosecuted for any war crimes.

Richard Drayton, a Cambridge University history lecturer, claimed that Ishii later went to Maryland to advise on bioweapons.[8] If Ishii did travel to Maryland, it was most likely to advise at Fort Detrick, a well known major biomedical experimentation facility in Frederick, Maryland. Another source says he stayed in Japan,[9] where he opened a clinic where he did examinations and treatments for free. He was especially concerned with the health of children. In his final years he converted to Christianity.[10] He kept a diary but it did not reference any of his wartime activity.[11] He died of throat cancer at the age of 67.[12]



Fort Detrick sent several investigators to Japan after the war to interrogate captured Japanese scientists. Leading the team was Dr. Norbert Fell and Lieutenant Colonel Arvo Thompson. Working with General Douglas MacArthur's intelligence team at Supreme Commander Allied Powers (SCAP), Dr. Fell and Thompson learned the full extent of the Japanese program headed by Lieutenant General Shiro Ishii. In the European Theater, Nazi Germany had put its effort into chemical research. It also used thousands of Jewish inmates in the concentration camps for grisly surgical and medical research. Nazi Germany is said to have had a mortal fear of the U.S. BW capability and decided against BW shortly after America entered the war in 1942

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