
主题:【原创】有一种骗局叫做方舟子--揭穿方舟子的伪装 -- 思想的行者

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家园 提供一个方舟子故意造假的例子


【世界上是有很多骗人的“学术期刊”出版公司,这方面的专家是科罗拉多大学图书馆的Jeffrey Beall,他专门建了个网站揭露这些公司,有一份长长的黑名单http://t.itc.cn/xskKf ,里面有武汉大学周怀北搞的Scientific Research Publishing,但MDPI并不在其中。Jeffrey Beall对MDPI出版公司的看法是没有问题、他们尽力办得专业:

I don’t see any major problems with this publisher. It appears that they are open access but don’t charge article processing fees at...】

但实际上,方舟子引用的Jeffrey Beall的这段话是Jeffrey Beall在应一位读者的要求评价另一家出版商的:

Ifraeem says:

May 17, 2013 at 5:15 AM


Now tell me what do you think about these journals, i am evaluating them nowadays: jbsq.org and http://www.mecs-press.org/journals.html


Jeffrey Beall says:

May 18, 2013 at 3:14 PM

I don’t see any major problems with this publisher. It appears that they are open access but don’t charge article processing fees at this time. I did see a couple small examples of plagiarism and self-plagiarism. The publisher requires copyright transfer. The papers bear a copyright statement but are open access. I will not be adding this publisher to my list at this time. It looks like they are putting in much effort to operate professionally.

更可恶的是,Beall的这段话是他在去年五月的一篇文章《More Controversy Over Open-Access Publisher MDPI》后面的评论,当时MDPI已经引起了Beall的注意。


这个时候的方舟子显然认为Jeffrey Beall是学术期刊打假的专家,不惜伪造他的言论,来吓唬别人。

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