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家园 MD赤裸裸的顏色革命:"美国的月亮就是圓"



"Buffalo Wild Wings"

I always see this restaurant somewhere, never been there: what the hell you could do with chicken wing, now we have 肯德基 all over the world, as popular as cokecola, "even" in china?

until recently, ..and I was totally amazed by uncle sam's sports culture, which I had never really understood before, thinking it is a "white trash" culture, or at least part of it, until I was in that "Buffalo Wild Wings", 1 lunch only experiences:

you really feel that "我热爱激进的自由/sports" crazy thing with almost all kinds of sports TV screen everywhere & allover the place, all the energetic customers/ servers of all kinds race (very few Asians, naturally)..etc

chicken wing is good, but not that greet, what is great: all the added values such as sauces, drinks, people, and culture, and the "feeling good" feelings, or brainwashing, kind of like mind massage, but the bottom line: I kind of started to like "white trash"/sports thing now, brainwashed in a way.

it is not about the damned chicken wing. it is all about the "derivatives", the chicken wing is just an underlying, an concept foreign to must of us Chinese of 唯物主义 mentality of 5k years, although we have never had 物理学 of any kinds.


顏色革命:"美国的月亮就是圓": it is not about 月亮 itself, it is all about the 美国的 way/logic system or models of looking at 月亮(and many parts of 美国的月亮 could well be made in china mostly with Chinese farmers blood and sweat under TG's GFW of 支部建在连上, etc)

in an analogy, 月亮 is like "unitary" qm system of an atom, has anybody really seen a "real" 電子 in &/or out of an atom? not really, but with 量子力学测量公理系统 and all the lab experiments and 電子industrial production supporting that "量子力学测量公理系统 " , 量子力学的月亮就是圓, although as one of 量子力学 founding physicists, Einstein had never really liked 量子力学的月亮, until his death, because he can't figure out why 量子力学的月亮就是圓.


in retrospect, Bush 不惜代价, 美国两场战争 since 2001 ,共耗资逾二万亿美元, etc

多國領袖讚許阿富汗成功舉行總統選舉, etc

again, 美国两场战争 is not about the oil, etc, it may be not even about 911(extremely speaking), it is all about to defend & to develop the uncle sam's status as the only "real" superpower in 建立一個溫度函數, globally, across all the areas, and national borders (more of soft power).

kind of like what TG has been doing inside of Chinese borders, 建立一個溫度函數, but still locally vs US's 建立一個溫度函數 globally , and now with diminishing returns already starting being seen in TG's huge investments across all the areas, almost, because of many reasons, and fundamentally, the failure of TG's 溫度函數 is and will be:

as said before many times, 一個溫度函數 has to be global, or it is a fake, period.

and a fake one may look good, it is never going to work, long term. although, nobody knows how long is the "long term" in china.


with all that, uncle sam and his white team, kind of managed to have middle east cleaned up, Russian fxxked up economically & bleeding, & goog/fb/ etc 太空 based information/AI platform formation started, and they are now starting to model a pressure cooker customer made for TGchina.

and again, many parts of that pressure cooker are actually made in china. a leverage trade.以华制华. the white wolves got sharp teeth often hidden behind a smiling face, having learned and survived all the cultural wars of various kinds so far in the past 2 k years of humanity?


as said, before 思想 is kind of like 玻色子, with very little rest mass if any. 扎堆 is the way for 思想"玻色子" to survive & grow, often.

玻色-爱因斯坦统计是玻色子所依从的统计规律。 根据量子力学,玻色子是自旋为整数的粒子,其本征波函数对称,在玻色子的某一个能级上,可以容纳无限个粒子.

uncle sam is saying, "美国的月亮就是圓", if you have a good brain or if you are rich, come over.

otherwise, stay whereever you are, but sing with us together, work for SP500 companies, buy its products, stocks, etc, "美国的月亮就是圓"(:).

chairman X is obviously worried, seriously worried.





Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar | Watch Live Sports, Great ...


Buffalo Wild Wings

Looking for a Grill & Bar restaurant near you offering wings, beer & live sports? Buffalo Wild Wings offers all of these and professional bartenders, fresh chicken

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