
主题:辩论规范的缺失是文革巨大副作用的原因兼谈转基因辩论的问题 -- 思想的行者

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家园 学物理=helps逻辑思维


social sciences, as tough as they are, we still have many fairly stable systems running behind scenes; 物理 is all about 系统的动力学和运动学方程, a good starting point for 逻辑思维;

藍天大海 etc emotion-invoking/day dreaming music type: they all look very beautiful, and that is actually the danger part of it: head fake, trick u, baby.

human brains and emotions tend to overprice

"藍天大海" BS, because if we manage to find and get into "藍天大海" and "buy" 1 piece of its IPO shares, we will be rich, fxxk and live forever.

it is just too good to be true.

the capitalist evils will inevitably hit our ass and wake us from our day dream of various 宗教 belief based "藍天大海" BS, and there is waking up "traffic ticket" to be paid by you, often very expensive.

"等哪天资本真正统治世界,建立全球政府,横扫一切宗教文化民族国家的时候,才是进入到第三乐章。从这个角度来说,不管是儒家还是道家还是佛教,都应该被赶出政治领域和意识形态领域,而归于个人修养。这也是必然的历史趋势,就好像天主教出现宗教改革,因信称义的新教最适合资本主义的发展,因为它让宗教成为了个人的行为。 "

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