
主题:【原创】“中国崩溃论”屡屡崩溃的根本原因 -- 比的原理

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家园 市场原教旨: 2 critical concepts.

市场原教旨 is almost the "evil" to "most" Chinese.


two critical concepts.

first, it is all about information processing.

you need an almost 原教旨市场 system to have a multiple information processing systems, independent of and competing with each other, such as that in USA, and only in USA.

USD as a reserve currency, a big part of that=USD is a currency with much higher information content.

information/测度 is and will be becoming even more important, it is almost as important as legal system of private ownership, a "good" constitutions etc.

secondly, it is all about innovation and growth.

another pillar of 市场原教旨思想 is system's top priority is promoting innovation and growth, welfare of society or reducing income gap are subject to system's #1 top priority.

not only that, to promote innovation and growth, those innovation and growth agent(more and more of informational and financial capitalists )are always rewarded with a huge premium, with everything else (such as raw material) and everybody else (such as average workers) are priced at a steep discount, leading to even worse income disparity of the society.

that is an issue, but it does not and should not change economic system's top priority of innovation and growth.

that is obviously a challenge to the current system.

and for biological or social system of dissipative nature/开放耗散系统, there is no "best" or not even "good" option in terms of system design, there is only the lessor of two evils.

市场原教旨 is an evil, but the lessor of the two evils, likely for the foreseeable future, if not forever(:).


now, having been educated by 毛主席, and having seen the "dark" side of white society, Chinese "common" people are even more 左 than TG top itself.

and among TG top, red gen II folks, are more 左 than those Jiang and Hu engineers.

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