
主题:李克强休克疗法与陷入资金贫血的中国城市地图 -- 思想的行者

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家园 中国人消费力 太差

I mean on average. Disposable income per capita is still low. Chinese consumers (the majority) are very sensitive to prices.

IF AN ENTERPRISE CAN AFFORD TO PAY ALL KINDS OF EUROPE/US-LEVEL BUSINESS/VAT/CORP INCOME TAXES, IT MUST HAVE HIGH ENOUGH profit MARGIN. Otherwise, it is very difficult for the owners to earn a reasonable return. And in response, many owners will resort to tax evasion.

The gross margin of many businesses in China is too low: for example, food supermarket industry here in US usually get 22%-30% gross profit margin. If you check their counterparts in China, mostly around 15%.

Amazon.com and JD.com are two comparable firms: Amazon's gross profit margin is around 28%, while JD is barely 10%.

If we check other competitive (NO state-sponsored national monopolies) industries and compare between China and US/Germany, you will draw very similar conclusions.

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