
主题:【原创】为什么汉语是世界上最先进的语言(上) -- 冷酷的哲学

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至于德国人均100公斤肉的问题,请看《Agricultural Fluctuations in Europe: From the Thirteenth to twentieth centuries》。

“Unfortunately it is not possible to gauge meat consumption during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. It can only be established that by the late Middle Ages it was very high. Certainly in Germany it amounted to more than 100 kilograms per head per year. To justify this statement it is not even necessary to quote the meat consumption of the wealthier classes, a quantity that passes is imagination, to say nothing of the physical capacity , of twentieth-century people. The less-well-endowed sections of the population ate an enormous amount as well. From another source we learn that in Berlin, at that time a town of some 8,000 in habitats, the consumption of meat in 1397 came to a daily 3 pounds a head.”


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