
主题:查了查中国游泳队的“黑历史” -- ErgoSum

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家园 去网上搜了一下相关规则,试着回答一下你的问题。


引用来源链接如下:International Standard for Testing and Investigations - WADA


与本案相关规则主要出现在第五章,5.0 Notification of Athletes。

5.3.1 提到除非特殊情况,否则不需要给运动员事先通知(Save in exceptional and justifiable circumstances, No Advance Notice Testing shall be the method for Sample collection.)——想来也是合理的,不突然袭击提前通知了还有什么意义。


首先检查官不能提出无理要求,而是要和运动员商量时间地点,并考虑实际情况(5.3.5 The Sample Collection Authority, DCO or Chaperone, as applicable,shall establish the location of the selected Athlete and plan the approach and timing of notification, taking into consideration the specific circumstances ofthe sport/Competition/training session/etc. and the situation in question.)

而且检查人员初步联络了运动员后,5.4详细列举了要告知的信息,包括检查本身,检查机构,检查条件,检查地点等等,详见5.4.1。其中5.4.1 e)是告知运动员相关义务,包括检查过程中保持在检查人员视线内,提供身份证明,服从样品提交流程等等。而5.4.1 e)iv. 就是立刻向检查官报告,除非有任何延迟理由成立(Report immediately for Sample collection, unless there are valid reasons for a delay, as determined in accordance with Article 5.4.4.)。

在这样情况下运动员如果迟到了,那么5.4.7规定检查人员可以汇报违规(Failure to Comply)。当然sy案件中三名检查人员等了一个小时最后还是做了检查。

5.4.7 If the Athlete delays reporting to the Doping Control Station other than in accordance with Article 5.4.4 but arrives prior to the DCO's departure, the DCO shall decide whether to process a possible Failure to Comply. If at all possible the DCO shall proceed with collecting a Sample, and shall document the details of the Athlete’s delay in reporting to the Doping Control Station.







5.3.2 The Sample Collection Authority shall appoint and authorise Sample Collection Personnel to conduct or assist with Sample Collection Sessions who have been trained for their assigned responsibilities, who do not have a conflict of interest in the outcome of the Sample collection, and who are not Minors.

5.3.3则要求检测人员必须要官方授权文件(official documentation... evidencing their authority)。这里是个稍微tricky一点的地方,因为无法分辨单数复数,documentation这个词两者一样。这该怎么办呢?没关系,因为下文立刻举例子了,such as an authorisation letter。所以回答就是a letter就足够了,并不需要人手一封“介绍信”。

5.3.3 Sample Collection Personnel shall have official documentation, provided by the Sample Collection Authority, evidencing their authority to collect a Sample from the Athlete, such as an authorisation letter from the

Testing Authority. DCOs shall also carry complementary identification which includes their name and photograph (i.e., identification card from the Sample Collection Authority, driver’s licence, health card, passport or similar valid identification) and the expiry date of the identification.





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