
主题:【讨论】2020美国大选讨论楼 -- 笑看风雨

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家园 老人抛弃Trump了

By a nearly 6-to-1 margin, people ages 65 and older say it’s more important for the government to address the spread of coronavirus than it is to focus on economic goals. And as President Donald Trump increasingly signals interest in prioritizing the economy, America’s senior citizens are growing critical of his approach.

In mid-March, this group approved of Trump’s handling of the outbreak at a higher rate than any other age group, with a net approval of +19. A month later, that level of support has dropped 20 points and is now lower than that of any age group other than 18-29-year-olds.

Older Americans Sour on Trump’s Handling of the Outbreak; Congressional Approval Wanes as Voters Seek Further Action


65岁以上的人群以将近6比1的比例,认为政府处理冠状病毒的蔓延应该比关注经济目标更为重要。 随着唐纳德·特朗普总统越来越多地表示出对优先考虑经济的兴趣,美国的老年人越来越批评他的做法。

在3月中旬的时候,该年龄组(65岁及以上)对特朗普对(冠状病毒)爆发的处理的净支持率为+19%,高于任何其他年龄组。 一个月后(也就是现在),他们的支持率下降了20点,现在在各年龄段中排名倒数第二(仅高于18-29岁年龄段)。


USA Today - Texas' lieutenant governor suggests grandparents are willing to die for US economy


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