
主题:枪毙赵立坚?某人发如此言论,难道是为了测试舆情? -- 初心

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家园 北卡的Fort Detrick 执照被没收是因为引起了

一个类似Covid-19的疫情大爆发,死了约两万人,附近75%的居民都被传染! 是那个Boyle 教授说的。如果你不知道他是谁,就去查查。

COVID-19 Pandemic: Its Origin, Implications and Treatments

Peter K. Law

Cell Therapy Institute, Wuhan, China


on Page 51:

“It was Prof. Boyle’s responsibility to oversee biologic warfare in the USA. According to Boyle, GOF was a DNA genetic engineering technology of “turbo-charging” dangerous biological warfare substances or pathogens. In the Alex Jones Show

[47], he spoke of 12 warfare bases housing many BSL3/BSL4 laboratories specialized in system engineering of biological warfare weapons in the USA, and the BSL3/BSL4 warfare laboratories of Fort Detrick in Chapel Hill, North Carolina was one of them. According to the news report, Fort Detrick had its license re-

voked last July after an outbreak similar to COVID-19, killing about 20,000 people with 75% of nearby citizens infected. ”

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