
主题:【原创】普京的台阶在哪里? -- 本嘉明

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家园 今天乌克兰说缴获了毛子文件,现在是15天打下乌克兰。不是4天


Ukraine has seized Russian military plans concerning the war against Ukraine from the 810th Brigade of the battalion tactical group of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet Marines.

According to this information, the plans for the war with Ukraine were approved on 18 January 2022. The plans anticipated that the capture of Ukraine must be executed within 15 days, from 20 February to 6 March."

机翻: 乌克兰从俄罗斯黑海舰队海军陆战队战术大队第 810 旅手中夺取了俄罗斯关于对乌战争的军事计划。

根据该信息,与乌克兰的战争计划于 2022 年 1 月 18 日获得批准。该计划预计必须在 2 月 20 日至 3 月 6 日的 15 天内执行对乌克兰的占领。

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