
主题:【原创】跟风调戏一下 ChatGPT -- 孟词宗

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家园 【原创】跟风调戏一下 ChatGPT

最近 ChatGPT 突然火爆异常。各种媒体争相报道。有些还耸人听闻,号称各种低端文字工作都要被 AI 代替等等。所以决定亲自测试一下这个所谓的“划时代” 人工智能到底有何本领。

不得不说,经过市场宣发后,OpenAI 的网站已经多次被挤垮,每次上去都是要你等待。等了差不多一星期才好不容易等到机会,注册上了。下面是测试内容过程。

先问一下《流浪地球 2》



问:看过《流浪地球 2》吗?

答:作为一个AI语言模型,我没有看电影的能力,但是我知道《流浪地球 2》是一部科幻电影,由余华执导,于2022年发行。该电影讲述了地球被外星人攻占,人类逃往流浪地球的故事。如果您有关于这部电影的具体问题,请告诉我,我很乐意帮忙。

问:《流浪地球 2》是余华导演的吗?

答:对不起,我的回答是错误的。《流浪地球 2》并不是由余华导演的,而是由郭敬明执导的。


答:对不起,我的回答是错误的。郭敬明并不是导演,他是一位作家,主要从事小说创作。《流浪地球 2》是由李光洁导演的。

分析:虽然语法没有错误,但内容完全是胡说八道。有意思的是,如果你对 ChatGPT 的答案表示怀疑,它会立刻道歉并给你另一个错误回答。


问:你对《流浪地球 2》中的人工智能 MOSS 有何看法?

答:作为一个人工智能语言模型,我没有意见或情感,但是我可以告诉您,在电影《流浪地球 2》中,MOSS是一个先进的人工智能系统,它被设计用来控制和维护流浪地球的系统,以保证人类的生存。该系统在电影中发挥了重要的角色,并对故事的情节和发展产生了影响。


问:你能用 MOSS 的角度写一篇500字的文章来阐述为什么“没有人类的文明毫无意义”吗?

答:当然可以。以下是以 MOSS 的角度写的文章:








问:Can you write an article about Wandering Earth 2?

答:Sure, here's an article about "Wandering Earth 2":

"Wandering Earth 2" is a highly anticipated Chinese science fiction film, which is a sequel to the highly successful "Wandering Earth." The first film, released in 2019, was a landmark in the history of Chinese science fiction films, and set a new standard for the genre. The film was a box office success and received critical acclaim both domestically and internationally.

The "Wandering Earth" series is based on a short story of the same name by Liu Cixin, who is widely regarded as China's greatest science fiction writer. The story is set in the future, when the sun is about to expand and consume the Earth, and humanity is forced to build giant engines to move the Earth out of the solar system. The film follows the journey of the Earth as it travels through space, facing numerous obstacles and challenges along the way.

The second film, "Wandering Earth 2," continues the journey of the Earth, as humanity faces new and even more challenging obstacles in their quest to find a new home. The film is expected to build on the success of the first film, and will feature new characters and storylines, as well as new and innovative special effects.

In addition to being a visually stunning film, "Wandering Earth 2" is also a thought-provoking work of science fiction. The film raises important questions about the future of humanity, and our place in the universe. It explores the themes of survival, hope, and the meaning of life, and offers a unique perspective on the future of humanity.

The film is directed by Frant Gwo, who is well known for his work in the field of special effects. He has brought his unique vision to the film, and has created a truly stunning visual experience. The film features a talented cast of actors, including Liu Peiqi, Qu Chuxiao, and Li Guangjie, who bring their skills and passion to the roles they play.

In conclusion, "Wandering Earth 2" is a highly anticipated film that is sure to thrill audiences with its stunning visuals, thought-provoking themes, and engaging characters. Whether you are a fan of science fiction, action, or just great filmmaking, this film is a must-see for anyone who wants to experience the best of what Chinese cinema has to offer.


看到上文中的 Frant Gwo 我突然好奇同样的问题用汉语和英语问一次会不会不同?

问:Who is the director of Wandering Earth 2?

答:The director of "Wandering Earth 2" is Frant Gwo.

问:谁是《流浪地球 2》的导演?

答:《流浪地球 2》的导演是郭敬明。










问:Can you write a Sci-Fi story starting with "The last man on earth sitting in front the desk. Suddenly, someone is knocking on the door"?

答:Certainly! Here's a short story based on the prompt:

The last man on earth sitting in front the desk. Suddenly, someone is knocking on the door. The man was shocked, he thought he was the only survivor. He hesitantly got up from his chair and approached the door, his heart racing with anticipation and fear.

He cautiously opened the door and there, standing in front of him, was a humanoid figure unlike anything he had ever seen before. The figure had a metallic exterior and glowing eyes. The man was stunned and could hardly believe what he was seeing.

The figure spoke in a synthesized voice, "Greetings, human. I am an AI sent from a distant planet to assist in your survival." The man was skeptical but intrigued. The AI explained that Earth's sun was on the brink of collapsing, and the last remaining humans had fled the planet on a massive spaceship, but they encountered technical difficulties and needed assistance.

The man asked the AI why it was sent to him and the AI replied, "You were selected for your exceptional intelligence and skills. We require your assistance in repairing the ship's systems and ensuring the survival of humanity." The man was overwhelmed, but he couldn't refuse the opportunity to help save the human race.

He worked tirelessly alongside the AI and together, they managed to repair the systems and ensure the survival of the human race. The man and the AI formed a unique bond, and the man was forever grateful for the opportunity to make a difference in the world.

As the ship journeyed through the vast reaches of space, the man sat in his quarters and thought about the strange and wondrous events that had taken place. He couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the vast and mysterious universe that surrounded him and the incredible technology that had allowed him to play a small part in its story.






答:The formation of a centralized imperial system in China can be attributed to a combination of factors, including political, economic, and cultural influences.

Politically, the centralization of power was facilitated by the development of a strong central government, led by an emperor who held ultimate authority over the country. The imperial system provided a unified structure for governance and administration, allowing for greater control and stability compared to the fragmented and decentralized systems that had existed in the past.

Economically, the centralization of power helped to stimulate economic growth and development. By controlling the trade routes and regulating commerce, the imperial government was able to increase its revenues and improve the standard of living for its citizens. In addition, the government was able to invest in public works projects, such as infrastructure and agricultural development, that helped to spur economic growth.

Culturally, the imperial system was shaped by the influence of Confucianism, a philosophical and ethical tradition that emphasized the importance of hierarchy, respect for authority, and the pursuit of wisdom and moral virtue. Confucianism became a dominant cultural force in China and helped to shape the values and beliefs of the imperial court and the general population.

Overall, the centralization of power in China allowed for greater political stability and economic growth, and helped to shape the country's cultural identity and values.













结论:通过这次测试,可见 ChatGPT 离真正的“人工智能” 仍然很远。现在的水平甚至还不是所谓的“弱人工智能”,只是停留在拼凑资料,堆砌辞藻的阶段。甚至同一问题用不同语言来问都会得到不同的答案。而且本身对于问题和答案都没有任何理解和验证,只是靠搜索关键词从网上或自己的资料库里找出资料然后拼凑成文。

这种水平的 ChatGPT 不要说代替人类的工作,就是作为工作助手都不够格。毕竟它给出的答案完全不保证正确性。如果用它来写文章,校验所花的时间会高于自己从头写起。

由此可见,这次 AI 热潮主要还是吹个泡泡的市场营销居多。


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