
主题:问个俗问题,宝玉是否可以两个(宝钗黛玉)都娶呢 -- donkeyking

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家园 嘻嘻,小熊mm, 是不是这八个啊?

  Let's start at the ver-y be-gin-ning!

  A ver-y good place to start.

  When you read you be-gin with A B C,

  when you sing you be-gin with do re mi.

  Do re mi?

  Do re mi.

  The first three notes just hap-pen to be, do re mi!

  Do re mi!

  Do re mi fa so la ti.

  [Doe a deer a fe-male deer.

  Ray a drop of gold-en sun.

  Me a name I call my-self.

  Far a long long way to run.

  Sew a nee-dle pull-ing thread.

  La a note to fol-low sew.

  Tea a drink with jam and bread.

  That will bring us back to do oh oh oh!

  [Doe a deer a fe-male deer.

  Ray a drop of gold-en sun.

  Me a name I call my-self.

  Far a long long way to run.

  Sew a nee-dle pull-ing thread.

  La a note to fol-low sew.

  Tea a drink with jam and bread.

  That will bring us back to do.

  [(Doe)a deer a fe-male deer.

  Ray a drop of gold-en sun.

  Me a name I call my-self.

  Far a long long way to run.

  Sew a nee-dle pull-ing thread.

  La a note to fol-low sew.

  Tea a drink with jam and bread.

  That will bring us back to doe!

  Do re mi fa so la ti do so do!

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